Yeah, that’s USA for ya--gerrymandering is what I think it’s called. Americans are very tribal, especially against themselves, it’s very odd.
Prayer is worse than doing nothing, because prayer is literally doing nothing then feeling like you don’t have to do anything else. In origins, prayer was a form of respecting or playing the action of planting seeds, foraging edibles, and helping mothers during childbirth. This is why people tend to pray on their knees or prostrate themselves but always with the hands forwards, it’s originally simulation of aforementioned behaviours.
Oo, a flesh eating disease would be brutal. My older brother got that once, cut his balls with an old razor while shaving downstairs for some dumb reason. Nearly lost his life, but at least he recovered fully.
Personally, whenever I need to get rid of excess hairs downstairs, I just burn it while in the bathtub before I shower, that way, if anything catches fire, I have immediate access to water.
10-Apr-2020 02:53:31