George Rozas
I'm gonna leave it to Inferi to explain it during his next IC post.
Gee, thanks. You make it seem like that's my job or something.
I think it's important for my post. If Harambe is close enough to the Tree for a branch to land, then that's an environmental asset Bridgett can use to avoid the fisting.
There's a good chance of it hitting Travis, since he's on Harambe's back. There's a moderate chance of it hitting Bridgett, since she's on the same side of where Annie was.
Still, it's probably worth noting that the branch isn't very big. Take from what what you will.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.
You're always just wondering. I know why you're asking; it's because you're trying to inconspicuously nudge people to post.
As I've stated, I will get things written when I have time. I don't have a lot of that coupled with the motivation to actually get the writing done, so me taking more time than you'd like is something you have to live with. It's just the way it goes, and there's not much I can do about it.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.