Those were good times. I got my name back, put a curse on Westenev, Inferi made an obscure Anime reference, the Engelain wiki was opened for business...
Is the wiki still around?
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
Tragic. I always love knowing that half my post is wasted on people that'll never read it. Though to be fair, I lost my right to complain when I decided to not post in the first place.
Yes, the Engelain Wiki is still a thing. I'm probably going to add some pages to it next week to get back into the spirit of things. I may also edit the pages that Venom and Narblood made in the hopes that they get notifications of their work being vandalised.
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire
I thought it was common practise when returning to a thread to just jump in and not read up on everything that's happened? Perhaps I wasn't clear: I feel like they won't be back by the time of the next posting cycle.
I might do Annie. I wouldn't want you to steal my cookies now!
NotFishing, Gorm is currently walking around with Timruviel and Karstone (my characters) and Ryle Emeraldian, who is played by my very good friend Laser Gunk. I know from experience that there is next to zero chance of getting Laser to post within the next two months. Should I just timeskip ahead to get Gorm back into the plot and some other characters to talk to? Or are you fine chilling with me, myself and I?
D F Angel
Should I just timeskip ahead to get Gorm back into the plot and some other characters to talk to? Or are you fine chilling with me, myself and I?
You might as well timeskip, since Gorm isn't one for conversation.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.