How else would you escape such knights? The SUV can drive away, and be used as a weapon, and then be used to drive to regroup with the others. Of course, not that the Obsidian Knights are going to kill any of the kids, I won't let that happen.
Not that any of the men-at-arms are eager to kill the kids at all, the Obsidian Knights don't care but are impulsive, and Magnulfus is planned to just head to the castle afterwards, if he survives. If the Obsidian Knights do kill him, they were burn away and teleport away somewhere.
Oh, so that's Mewtwo, didn't know. I knew he was created, but didn't know his reasoning. I can't even understand an anime for kids.
18-Jan-2017 07:28:28
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18-Jan-2017 07:29:13
Azi Demonica