I was, but out that line of thought sprung an idea. Not for a thread, but for an individual character. Preferably something I would use on a D F Angel thread, although he hasn't shown up for quite some time, and even if he does, I already have like five characters on Into the Fire.
So it's unlikely that I will ever get to use him. But the concept is also too great to pass up, and it directly ties in with the plot of the thread I was going to make. If I use that general concept on a thread right now, I feel like it will cheapen the character in the future.
So tbh, I'm actually not sure what to do. I'm not saying the thread won't happen, just that it won't happen anytime soon. Instead I'm going to get to work on that colonial-era RP. Anyone up for some good ol' naval combat and jungle warfare?
Seriously, though. I need to know. I'm going to make it this time, but only if enough people express interest. I need four people - three captains, and one chieftan of a small tribe.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
14-Jan-2017 18:36:34
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14-Jan-2017 18:36:51