Make America Great Again
has prevailed, surprisingly. I thought Hillary would win, but Trump achieved a great victory. Withstanding three bankruptcies, two assassination attempts, and (often justified) character assassination by media, is quite impressive. Trump is quite the tank, he just doesn't stop. I could criticize his past, and make a long list, but the election is how it is.
Well, I plan to still go to USA, try to get a student visa and partake in college courses, then getting a work visa, and maybe I to, will help America become great again, as a welder, or as a sheet metal fabricator, and do my part for my continent, in what little way I can.
Did anyone know that Ted Knight, the actor, is my dad's distant cousin? We have some family in USA, and it'll be nice to see if I can see them. To Americans here, congratulations on your new president, I wish you all the best, for people and country. Hopefully, Hillary won't have a heart attack.
09-Nov-2016 08:21:43