About Mass Effect,
Yes, I do Renegade options at times. In fact, I have several dozen saves, so that I have checkpoints about my favourite parts in the game, so that I can easily replay my favourite parts at any time. Leave Garrus behind? He's like one of the most useful guys. Turians are cool, they have this rigid, mechanical, semi-reptile appearance, but, Seren has different legs than other Turians (presumably due to being cybernetic, though no-one ever talks about it, oddly enough).
Oh? I never knew you could get Garrus killed, I just thought he was automatically a squad mate. Shows what I know.
No, you have not missed anything in BW West. Just go with the flow, leave everything else to me! Regardless of what happens, there will be two sudden events to take place soon, we just need to get Annie and Anja to or near the Train Station or Dirk.
Do whatever you'd like Ancient, though I won't be able to add anything to that additional content you'd like to work with, so it'll all be up to you amidst the RP.
Anyways, I will be busy today, moving furniture and such around.
17-Oct-2016 22:52:01