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Posts: 2,042 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Westenev said :
Azi does have a point! Fys, unless there's something you want to agree upon (or if you want to pull out), maybe we should give creative rights to the first person who can pull up a bio! It'll be like a competition, your reward:


Someone help me out here...

In any case, be warned, I shall (consider) cooking up a bio tomorrow! Or write a post for that one thread...

Yeah, you're right. I've dragged this on far too long with meaningless questions. You should probably write your bio up first; it was your idea after all. Though there is one last thing I want us to agree upon...
A last name.

As it will likely be the name of the weapons company, I want it to be a noun/adjective (e.g. Steel, Black, Sky, Duke, Stone, Amber) or something else suitably badass.

By the way, thanks for mentioning those DC companies. I didn't know that companies were a thing besides Wayne and Lexcorp.

11-Aug-2016 15:50:39

Mar Member 2023


Posts: 3,493 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh cool! Intro stuff! Time to read and make a post! :D

Also, yeah, sometimes it's good to answer questions in character, but I think the point of this thread is that people don't start with a lot of power or influence and have to work their way up to it using whatever means they have available. So he's just making sure the company won't be too much to start with. :P At least that's how I interpret it.
I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

11-Aug-2016 19:48:25



Posts: 2,042 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
West's badass normal character will definitely need that money to survive, but I can definitely see why you'd be hesitant to allow someone who plans to go werewolf early on start out with so much money; that was one of my concerns as well, which is why I wanted it changed from West's original proposal of billions into millions. How about my character isn't able to access 99% of her inheritance because of some yet incomplete qualifier in the will because her parents were unhappy that she choose some (in their eyes) useless major like Interior Decorating or Underwater Basket Weaving. Later (i.e. when the vamps get mad cash) I could get it sorted out somehow. Does that sound reasonable?

Edit: Also, it's likely that my parents just died and we're going to Sorus while the financials sort themselves out (which can lead to my character's complication) which can lead to increased difficulty in getting direct cash from bank accounts and other places.

And for West: I was thinking maybe our family has a summer home on the lake south of Sorus that's taken care of by family friends, which is why we're here.

11-Aug-2016 20:09:26 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2016 20:16:20 by Fysyx



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Is anyone involved planning on writing anything else for Redux? I finally have some time to write for it, so I'm going to. Let me know if you've got anything else to add before I do, will you? Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

11-Aug-2016 20:47:42



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
George, you didn't wake up standing...

...although, I guess this sort of misunderstanding was likely to happen, since everyone else was standing and I didn't exactly specify. So you don't have to change it if you really don't want to.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

11-Aug-2016 21:30:01 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2016 21:36:20 by NotFishing

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