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Do not discuss, target or impersonate Forum Moderators or their actions
Forum Moderators are here to keep the peace and help the Forums stay a positive, friendly community. Targeting them or their actions publicly will not be tolerated.
Azi Demonica
Those are indeed the rules. It's to prevent embarrassment of the mod when one makes a poor decision. JAGEX has always been a sensitive company.
I think it's just to minimize the arguing.
They probably figured that if a mod made a decision that people disliked, people would criticize the mod and cause a further ruckus. So instead of making sure their forum moderators do their job right, they just make the easier-but-more-oppressive decision to take away people's right to complain.
To be fair though, even when a moderator does their job right people are still going to angry, because no one likes being banned or having their posts hidden.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
29-Jul-2016 22:49:12
- Last edited on
29-Jul-2016 22:50:01
A lot of the rules are just left over from a time when the forums used to field two thousand, rather than the fifty-two that are currently online. I'm told that this is partially due to an update which lowered the "active users" time-out rating from 30 minutes of inactivity- though I'm not sure what level of activity it has been lowered to. Still, there was a lot more animosity back in the day, and therefore a lot more reason to want to try and contain it by any means necessary.
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire