In your recent post in BW, you have not yet mentioned the altitude of the zeppelins or the direction of their flying. As a reminder, you must mention the altitude of the zeppelins (for example, 3000-7000 meters high) and the direction of the zeppelins, which is either westward or north-west. This will be important later on. Depending on what happens, you may fly into or across Venom's forces, allowing either to preform a flanking attack for example.
Chasers, is Tonya sticking around Scarlet's cubicle, or is she vanishing immediately? I'm wondering because Scarlet would have the discussion right there if she could.
This, because I'm sure it's too far back to notice.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.
Tonya is currently walking away. If you go to stop her, she'll be more than happy to talk right there. Otherwise, she's assuming that everyone needs time to mull it over.
And there's my small posts. Please stand by for Into the Fire...
And there we go. I haven't posted that much at once in a long time.
If there's errors, I apologize. I wrote them on wordpad and it doesn't have a spellcheck, and although I try to proofread it isn't something I do well.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.
09-Jun-2016 23:22:38
- Last edited on
09-Jun-2016 23:28:57