Holy... GUTHIX! What an amazing read. I am loving everythign I'm reading! It's so well thought out! If you send this to Jagex, I am sure they will look to Publish such a well written novel. Keep it up!
I don't agree with a couple of things. First, all of the characters in the story didnt react like normal people would. Imagine finding bosoms on your chest. I would freak out! I wouldn't go to school! Also, Guthix and his friends are very calm and understanding about the whole thing. Guthix's friend, Laura (I think), was extremely calm and informed. She assumed Guthix was a God (or a Diety) before anyone had even mentioned it. I would never think my friend had turned into a God, you know what I mean?
The other thing is the whole 2012 thing. I think Doomsday has been overused. Everything references to it. From movies to books, to video games. It is not that I am against it - from every tale I have heard that references it, I can tell it adds depth, suspense and a cliffhanger feeling to the story. It all just seems to have become old and overused.
A good example of what I'm am talking about is the game Assassins' Creed. This was my favorite game. A gripping story, beautiful graphics and awesome game-play. At the end though, there are references to 2012 and that kind of annoyed me.
By Guthix, I have daddled quite a bit! Don't worry, I will leave you to finish writing your gripping novel, and, when you're finished, I'll add it to the OP of my "Guthix = Me?" Thread.
Happy Writing!
08-Jan-2010 06:06:19
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08-Jan-2010 12:08:04