a lot of the things they ask for is ridiculous
but how are skillcapes that way? i know i'm not a mem anymore, but i used to be, and while i never bothered with 99's at the time, i want to be able to show my superiority in more ways than mere gold trimmed armour
(they still need to add gold-trimmed weapons)
if someone spends the time for a 99, should they be denied it, merely because they are no longer member / are f2p? if for some reason, you were no longer member, would you enjoy not being able to wear a cape that most likely does not give any stats? (i'm betting they were removed in the eoc, not sure)
and why not cosmetics? like, if you've earned them in members, then why can't you wear something that gives you no advantage, but like because it looks cool?
they can keep them untradable, but why can i not use the ring of stone i bought before the ton of inflation, merely because i no longer have access to membership?
especially with things like runecoins, basically, you can get cosmetics just like those, and keep them, but you have to pay money, and even the SoF
yet, having used something, that merely provides more access, and still requires large amounts of work (i swear, i spent forever at tai-bwano, and cutting yews at seers before i quit) merely to obtain things that you can now obtain, using real-world money, while within the rules?
rants represent! what you got against ranters, huh? i didn't see anyone trying to demolish YOUR bridge-house
10-Jan-2013 10:59:13