But time heals all things, as they say, and FiFi felt ready to once more sport her Precioussss and pick up the pieces of her broken life. All was well, for a while. Such was her happiness at the glowing green gorgeousness she entirely failed to notice – until pointed out to her by anther Forumer – that her beloved Robin was not the hat it once was. Indeed, it was a mere travesty of a Robin.
Gone, the ornate decadence of the feather – replaced on the wrong side of the hat by … what is it? A stick? A muddy smear? Someone, somewhere, had defiled her Precioussss and turned it into a scruffy green blob with neither elegance nor style. Sacrilege !!
FiFi wailed, gnashed her teeth, tore her hair, prayed to Guthix – even started a thread seeking the righting of this most atrocious wrong. But to no avail. No word from The Jagexy as to why they had permitted this defilement, or why it was necessary. FiFi was at the point of ragequitting when out of the blue came a Hero.
Well, maybe not so much a Hero, more like a murderous Dictator with the temperament of a Tasmanian Devil and the cunning of Lucifer, but never mind because he too was outraged and vowed to take up the cudgels on her behalf.
It just so happened that this Hero had a number of friends, or at least people who were a bit scared he might burn them at the stake if they didn’t do what he wanted, and after some deliberation it was decided.
And thus, dear Reader, begins the Chronicles of The War of the Feather ……
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Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop
05-Aug-2016 17:03:09
- Last edited on
05-Aug-2016 17:04:04
FiFi LaFeles