Huzzah! Add up, the record still stands. I hope it makes sense though, my eyes are a bit swollen with sleep and tears from earlier.
It's my first attempt at that type of scene, so I hope I pulled it off.
Comments are appreciated.
Yay, adds!
They got together?! I don't think anybody saw that one
It was a bit...small, for everything that happened, I think. I mean, there's a giant feast and goodbye. Wouldn't there be a lot of emotions going on, what with Rebecca's father leaving her for a whole winter and such...
~^v^~ Siig, quiter than a ninja mouse with slippers on ~^v^~
12-Apr-2007 15:25:29
- Last edited on
12-Apr-2007 15:25:35
You bring up good points Siig.
I don't know if I can extend it, though perhaps you're right that I should have more of a farewell between Rebecca and Luke. I *was* extrememly tired when I wrote this.
I'll see how much I can change about it.