Sira sira sira sira SIRA! You have to stop letting wave whip you around like this! Its your story, you let your characters be as wimpy as you want. Not EVERYONE can be super strong and talented in the story. Sometimes, their are weaker characters (Like Tien and Yamcha from DBZ!
)) that just have to get owned so we know how strong a villian is. I do the same in my tale >.> Hell, I even killed my character. (And yours, for that matter. Heheheh)
I guess Blue is right, but lets do this. Downgrade everybody and give Wave a major boost in combat. here problem solved. (You should downgrade blue the most)
*Waits for lucy to start making comments and attempt to insult me*
Buhu! now your making the villians super strong, my second character didnt appear, and im the only one getting beaten up. And jesica shows up alot! NOT FAIR!
*snipes Sira's ass with cat dung*