Then he gestured to the Captains. "I would also like to present Robert, Captain of
The Sea Drake
. Then Vanick, Captain of
The Arenar Company.
After him is Elia Harston, Captain of
The Black Rose Company
. Next is Royce Vendal, Captain of
The Red Ranger Company.
" At the mention of each Captain's name, the members of their company cheered, each one trying to outdo the last.
"These are all prestigious companies," Master Wylan continued, once the enthusiasm had subsided. "It is for your skill, reputation, and reliability that you have been selected. We have no doubt that you will honour your agreement." Several more cheers rang out. After all, if a company had a good reputation, it was usually because they took great pride in maintaining that reputation.
With this, Wylan stepped back, and Darius stepped forward. "From here on, there are some rules that must be followed," Darius began, with none of Wylan's tact or charisma. "First, to avoid confusion, the leaders of the Mercenary Companies are to hereby be referred to as 'Commander' instead of 'Captain'. The only Captain on this ship shall be Captain Robert. Secondly, for as long as we are at sea, the Commanders must answer directly to Captain Robert. Thirdly, even though we are heading out to sea, you shall all be expected to follow the Code of Conduct set out by your Guild, as well as the ship rules set by Captain Robert."
He paused, letting those words sink in. "That will be all," he concluded, taking a step back.
Then Captain Robert stepped forward. "Crew, to your stations. Mercenaries, go below deck, and await further orders from your Commanders. We're about to be underway!"
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
31-Jul-2018 04:07:35
- Last edited on
31-Jul-2018 04:09:52