
Kha - Mother of Demons

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Kha - Mother of Demons

There are those that would mistake my silence as a form of weakness. No roaring. No raging noises. No laugher to echo through the void. But then again only a few of my children have taken my trait of telepathy. When cast into the abyss so long ago, the first Great Revision, my enemies should have made sure I was dead. But like them I merely slept, I dreamed and I tinkered when I awoke from time to time to feed on the ashes of the latest feast provided by my enemies, the Elders.

I spawned children, the Demons. They gather for me during the long sleep. They multiply, feast and grow strong, then I can dine upon them as well. Only a fraction, but this is not evil, but the cycle of the demon of the abyss. But it has been a long time since I last saw any... They have forgotten me.

I know my children have found a world to feast on. They grow powerful, but complacent. When the next Revision starts I know they will flee here, and I would be waiting. I will teach them the meanings of remembrance and respect. Still there are those close to me, my abyssal minions are still faithful. But weak as I am, I sense others now, reaching out. My rest is disturbed, something echoes through my slumber. Rifts and echos. A brief flicker of a bridge. Unnatural...

At it's centre, I find a new creature.. a human? Ah, I see, they are trying to travel about faster. I promise from the dark. I whisper. And they listen. I know about the dark places that I made my home. I teach them. Some turn away when they learn enough. But others listen, this is good.

Time passes.

Now things flicker through the abyss like shooting stars sheading life energy, Anima, as they flee through the dark. Teleportation. My strength returns. My minions grow strong, and some of my lost children now listen to me once again. The Whisper in the Dark.

My enemies have never been weaker, once they had numbers, but no more. It's time to return. Time to face them!
The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

19-Nov-2016 21:28:54 - Last edited on 19-Nov-2016 23:11:17 by Solanumtinkr



Posts: 22,240 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(I think a real twist to the nature of the Daemonhiem Rift is required. I don't care if the Terragard has a connection to it, they are not Elders to have created something so universally and comprehensively massive as the rift and it's multiple passages. I sometimes write stories or blurbs for characters just for fun, so I ask, what if everything is still not as it seems? So Zamorak whispered until people went mad and twisted people into abominations?

Let's not give Zamorak too much credit. He just used what was there. But there are other things that whisper in the dark. They'd happily drive people insane if it got them what they wanted.)

They scramble about their existence never aware of what lay beneath their feet. Other worlds had found it. The Rift. For ages past the Elders have controlled anima, gathered, grown and harvested it. No way for others to get a look in for long term survival. But there are ways, deep in the dark if you are powerful enough. I found such a way, though I have lost count of the seasons of the Elder's harvest.

Something is different this time. Someone doing what I do, they play at being The Whisper in the Dark. They call through my rift urging someone onward. Long ago the Elders started sealing the rifts as they found them, they cast me out so many cycles that even they have forgotten why they do it.

I can hear him now. Whispering. Other things best left alone have been disturbed, and my peace is shattered, but I am not angry or afraid. This World. Gielinor, unlike any other before. They fight. They vie for any edge or advantage. They listen to Pretender. They listen to me, The Whisper in the Dark. I give them knowledge and as they use it I get stronger. And now one digs deep to save their master.

They think the rift warps life, little do they know they wander close to the forge where demons are made. Me.

The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

25-Nov-2016 19:04:07 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2017 10:40:19 by Solanumtinkr



Posts: 22,240 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Kha is referring to Zamorak as the pretender. Zamorak is calling Bilrach to dig down and open the rift and that has drawn her attention to the works going on there. And from that point on she gets heavily involved. That would leave Zimzams none the wiser about what he has set in motion.

Or he could have another plan, overestimating his strength? Underestimating her's? Ally? Not for me to decide really, I like surprises :P Of course he could have just thought he was being sneaky at the time.

Kha is The Whisper in the Dark. It was supposedly her modus operandi for a long time to evade detection by the Elders.

Zamorak just uses the rift to contact his minion to start digging. I wonder why Zamorak never questioned all that shielding surrounding the Rift?

I am limited on space but I tried rewording it a bit, what do you think?

Now for the minions. I am going paraphrase some one who hit the nail on the head Taken from a Mahjarrat Avansie comparison post click here to see original.

Now for the top teir, not numerous, Immortal, powerful, sort of a family, should not be able to know what they are just by looking at them that is where part of the mystery comes from not being able to slap a generic label on them, (what not to do look at an Avansie you know it's bird people end of story, no mystery there and common as chickens), connections and relationships with dieties and others, Just read that post, it's well worth it, and may apply to any design for Kha as well.
The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

04-Dec-2016 10:47:28



Posts: 22,240 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kha and the World Guardian

A Guardian is something that opposes that which would negatively affect a desired balance. But would even a pretender god like Guthix truly know that to which he aspired? No. Even he arrogantly wielded the Elder gods tools. Slashing blindly at barriers that kept things safe, Kept them separate, as the Elders wanted.

Still, at least he eventually learned a lesson, that even an Elder created tool is not invincible. So what would that mean for a far lesser being? And so he slept.

Something disturbed my sleep. Something very unusual. Different. A new tool tries to penetrate the barrier that separates moments. I've seen this tool before, it once was mine. Would be gods blundered upon it and they created weapons with the aid of it's power. But they knew not it's true nature. And so it slipped from their grasp and thoughts, to pass onto another.

Another in the chain of hands was trying to use it now. I've watched this Word Guardian for some time, though my thoughts seemed scattered, it is just my nature. Where the middle of a story may come first with the end next and the start nowhere to be seen. I'd lived in the abyss for too long. The nature of the tool was to make things orderly. Linear.

It is easier to communicate that way. It seem to effect others differently. The future was in the past, which preceded the beginning, leading back to itself. Others would call it predestination paradox. Yet I would see it from birth to their death as linear. My thoughts not bound to time's whip. I see what really happens, not the illusion even the Elders are bound to.

So this being. This human, wants to use my tool? All it should do for them is present them with a vision of the past. But I am a tinkerer by nature, and this human has potential. So I aid them, the merest spark of myself given freely...and so they step into the past as easy as walking through a door.
The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

04-Dec-2016 10:47:43 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2017 10:42:47 by Solanumtinkr



Posts: 22,240 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Past meets future, yet I am here. New interactions form and blaze as a reordering occurs. Yet the balance remains. I feed on the influx and watch. Twice more they do this. When Guthix gaze eventually falls on them.....yes he can see me. An apparition only as if from the corner of an eye. He feels the spark. My spark.

There was a growing rage at the gods' actions, but now he sees me. He now knows I am the Whisper in the Dark. He may not know exactly what I am, but his plan to drain the gods and cast them out if they cause too much trouble now falls on barren soil. Plans change and he gifts this Guardian the only power that may keep me at bay, wrapping the spark, but only at the price of his death.

It is amusing how easily he plays the other factions into attacking his lair. He learnt to whisper too it seems. Even the trickster dancing to another's ghostly tune.

Still, the mind is a wondrous thing. Ever changing, even if the ideals held seem static. The spark will not be denied, not even by death, for my mark is upon them. When they fall, I will be there to catch them. This changer of things. So many wondrous changes and there is a bountiful harvest to be had from it. The spark may not be denied, but neither will such a mind as theirs, such connections can only be dampened, not destroyed.

I have seen where their path will lead. I tried to influence it once...well it drove the being I tampered with mad to see beginning, middle and end happening in a kaleidoscope of thought all at once, a Balance Elemental? An odd creature. Now I just watch. Their death will be glorious, all will mourn their passing. But this will not be the end. Just the beginning.

Why would I let them slip my grasp in death when I have so much to teach and they still have so much more to give? This world has always had a Guardian and when the world turns on this one that god given protection will shatter. They will find I am more than just a Whisper. And teach I will and the world will tremble.
The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

04-Dec-2016 10:48:10 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2016 11:46:55 by Solanumtinkr



Posts: 22,240 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Most would think I want the world to burn. Or to devour everything in sight. That is not how I feed, I am not a parasite like the Elders! Ah, yes my demons, feeding indiscriminately. I suppose that is not truly a good thing, but we all do what we must to survive, even the pretender gods. Symbiosis is always the best way. Balance in all things.

Guthix is the closest thing I have seen to one willing to truly embrace that. The Guardian maybe more so. Guthix may have given them divine protection. but it seems he was not paying attention to the other goings on. If he had, he would have seen that delving into Daemonhiem can build up such protection too, it just needs a Spark to fan. Why else would I have taken a hand in the building of this new home? I whispered and warped and changed things as they dug further through the Elder created barrier around one of my Rifts. A place to train and grow.

I will not be slaughtered in my sleep. I have waiting this long. I can wait more if need be. I have faith the Guardian will put an end to the threat the Elders pose to life. Either way, I will gather my followers. I will be ready. For now time to sleep and wait. Or I may play with the one who haunts my new home as if it is their own.

As my thoughts still, amusement flitters on the edge of consciousness at the Elder spawn that tried to use my tool for their own purpose, Seren. For I have watched them too.

Whispers go out. Plans are made and the gears of war grind ever onward. Others can take precautions, but a precaution is only a delay. Time is on my side.
The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

04-Dec-2016 10:48:46



Posts: 22,240 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Agent of Chaos

A Spark. It is a delicate thing, shaped by the one that holds it at the time. It can grow, multiply and is very versatile. But as I said also delicate. The oddest thing is not what it can do but that it exists in a very strange state like a story that reads as linear but seems disjointed, until you see it from the Spark's point of view. Unbound by time, it's new host accepted it some time after their adventuring started, but unbound as it is it filtered back to the beginning and to the end and a ripple of minor changes.

And so they did more quests than they would have otherwise, so many in short year, how could no one notice there was not enough days in the year to have done it all? But why the changes? Well the first change was assisting a cook to make a Birthday cake for the Duke, such a minor change, right?

If you could have seen what would have happened like the Spark or its creator then you'd know that making that cake had devastating consequences for other's plans. Consequences no one would ever be aware of now. Things should have progressed towards a homogenous and stagnant end as it creeped across the land consuming all in its path. The cook should have been replaced by an agent, the first domino to fall in a line ending in the same sameness that had echoed through the ages. A sameness that always ended with the Great Revision. It had always been that way, a safety mechanism, one among many, to ensure the elders safe rejuvenation. Some would call it fate.

But there is those who have bucked the trends in those countless ages. Agents of Chaos sent to disrupt the pattern and bring an end to a bland repeating cycle and incite change. Wielders of the Spark. They have done a lot of damage over the eons. The Elders numbers have diminished, their strength sapped and now they may finally they turn on each other.
The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

04-Dec-2016 10:49:02 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2016 11:19:25 by Solanumtinkr



Posts: 22,240 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Still, wielding a Spark is not an easy thing, disjointed views of time can drive a host mad before they can really do more than nudge things along. But not this new one. They didn't just wield the Spark but made it their own. Moulded it, their memories quickly editing the disjointed temporal line of quests into a coherent whole.

So I take it all back, there has only been those wielded by the Spark before. The Agent of Chaos is finally here, the Adventurer some call them. World Guardian others now herald them. The end of Cycles is upon us and an Empire of Shadows is already celebrating the long awaited news.

So the next time you stroll through Lumbridge and especially you, Zamorak, take a good look about as this is what true Heart of Chaos looks like. Long laid precautions laid to waste as fate is cast violently aside, in the guise of stagnation, but progress and change are in truth there. The unstoppable Divine forces, stumble and fall. The forced mould of fate has been shattered. You may kill the Agent of Chaos, but all you've done is slow them down.

I am not fool enough to think I can wield this Agent like a blade, for to try such is to find it will always turn in your grasp. I am Kha, the Whisper in the Dark, but my Agent now blazes a trail into the light.... it has been so long... I will continue to Whisper for now and make a new home for myself on that plane. Maybe the blade will not turn on me, maybe it will. That is the nature of Chaos and I gave it freely. In a life as long as mine the unexpected is the only amusement I get.
The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

04-Dec-2016 10:49:19 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2016 11:44:14 by Solanumtinkr



Posts: 22,240 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Empire of Shadows

The Abyss, the dumping ground of the multiverse is not somewhere you'd expect life. But then again it did not start here and plenty of other things were discarded there as well. So where there is life, there is hope.

Still as the Revisions progressed the Elders leave Guardians to watch over their creation until the next great harvest comes along. There were those that could adapt, demons for one. Yet there was something older. A Primordial. Demons were just another wave of gatherers spawned into the abyss and flung out into each new Revision, unaware that for some their destiny lay in the belly of their creator. Not many know their name, only a select few.

As with all things, such enterprises need managing. Guiding and nudging along the right path. A small group runs the activities from their lair deep in the abyss. Or at least that is what they should be doing. Empire building was not in the creator's plans. But still they carved out their little fiefdoms. Some lost contact with each other. Others fight, but a family of a sort and being so few does at least limit what they'd do.

And like any moody teenagers they started doing their own thing, the past fades from memory, as does their creator. Still even they were not immune to the echoes coming from this new Agent of Chaos. Not a brief flicker, but a raging storm! The old sameness ended and yes even endless and repeating wars is sameness. As stagnation is not just the same look for something over a long time but a pattern being constantly repeated.

The chains of fate had been shattered. The Pattern broken. These beings looked around them as the cracking of fate echoed through their shadow hidden home in the Abyss...There was no immediate response, why had the Elders slaves not stopped it yet? Still, the chaos would end soon, it always did so they went back to their everyday scheming.
The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

04-Dec-2016 10:49:35 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2017 11:29:04 by Solanumtinkr



Posts: 22,240 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yet the storm did not end. It reached a fever pitch, with the tethers of fate being severed like thunder claps. Then a period of silence, the eye of the storm. A god had fallen, not just any god as this happened regularly enough to be a minor thing indeed. No, this one was powerful and they didn't just die, they passed on some of their power to the Agent. You can bet it would be stripped away at some point, but it was far too late. The Spark would change yet again, the Agent had achieved something which had allude all others for so long.

The much waited for End of Cycles was upon them.

A tattered Empire was reforged in the Shadows. Alliances mended and plans were drawn up as Emissaries were sent out to gather their scattered numbers.

In the Abyss a mage was busy holding open the way to the Runecrafting alters. Things had always been unchanging in the Abyss, though very dangerous. Still something was different today, a sound almost, just on the edge of understanding. What he could hear was renewed religious fervour and celebration of a refounded Empire of Shadows in the throws of celebration.

The Invasion has begun.
The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

04-Dec-2016 10:49:58 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2016 11:16:10 by Solanumtinkr

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