Chapter 40 - Why are you here?!!
One day after Ali was finished watching BlackRiku, Zack, Tyler, and Chris fight, he decided he needed to rest, so he went to his room, he was going in it when he seen a figure in the hallway looking at him, he knew who it was
Ali:What are you doing here Noclaf?!!
Noclaf:Heh heh heh, a pleasure to meet you again, Ali, but please Noclaf is such a primmitive name, please call me, Falcon..
Ali: Ok, Falcon, what are you doing here?!!
Falcon: Don't act like an Idiot, you know you have stayed in this relm for to long..
Ali:What are you talking about?
Falcon:Ali, you don't remember? Did you get hit on the head?
Ali:Hit on the head, yeah but like a 3 years ago, all I remembered was my name and that I was a bounty hunter, and I also remembered you..
Falcon:Thats all? Don't you remember? we used to be best friends Ali..
Ali:From all I remember you only chased me..
Falcon:Now let me explain, you are a member of the bounty sisiety, you are from a relm vary far away, when the balence of reality and/or the balence of the world starts to go another way instead of keeping balence, we, the bounty sisiety step in and find the person thats bending the path of destiny, and we turn them into the bounty sisiety, they are then exicuted..You are a member the bounty siciety, Ali
Ali:You don't make sence
Falcon:I don't? Tell that to this recording..
Falcon makes a magic screen apear, inside of it, it shows Ali in the past fighting good, and evil opponents, it then shows Falcon in the past, he lived in a small town, with Ali, they were best friends, then Falcon's parents were killed
Past Falcon:Mom =( , dad, I will avenge your death I promice it!!
l8er on
past Falcon:Ali, I might never see you again, im going on a journey, a vary long jouney to find my parents killer
past Ali:Well, in that case im coming with you!!
past Falcon:Thanks Ali =D
they started down the trail
One day after Ali was finished watching BlackRiku, Zack, Tyler, and Chris fight, he decided he needed to rest, so he went to his room, he was going in it when he seen a figure in the hallway looking at him, he knew who it was
Ali:What are you doing here Noclaf?!!
Noclaf:Heh heh heh, a pleasure to meet you again, Ali, but please Noclaf is such a primmitive name, please call me, Falcon..
Ali: Ok, Falcon, what are you doing here?!!
Falcon: Don't act like an Idiot, you know you have stayed in this relm for to long..
Ali:What are you talking about?
Falcon:Ali, you don't remember? Did you get hit on the head?
Ali:Hit on the head, yeah but like a 3 years ago, all I remembered was my name and that I was a bounty hunter, and I also remembered you..
Falcon:Thats all? Don't you remember? we used to be best friends Ali..
Ali:From all I remember you only chased me..
Falcon:Now let me explain, you are a member of the bounty sisiety, you are from a relm vary far away, when the balence of reality and/or the balence of the world starts to go another way instead of keeping balence, we, the bounty sisiety step in and find the person thats bending the path of destiny, and we turn them into the bounty sisiety, they are then exicuted..You are a member the bounty siciety, Ali
Ali:You don't make sence

Falcon:I don't? Tell that to this recording..
Falcon makes a magic screen apear, inside of it, it shows Ali in the past fighting good, and evil opponents, it then shows Falcon in the past, he lived in a small town, with Ali, they were best friends, then Falcon's parents were killed
Past Falcon:Mom =( , dad, I will avenge your death I promice it!!
l8er on
past Falcon:Ali, I might never see you again, im going on a journey, a vary long jouney to find my parents killer
past Ali:Well, in that case im coming with you!!
past Falcon:Thanks Ali =D
they started down the trail
16-Jan-2007 04:57:39