~A Wall For Brutes~
Ah, I can't bear this any longer! My own civilized self, having to live with such awful savages! These...these beasts! They spit upon me, dump slop about me, and even relieve themselves on my good structure! Those people drink all day, and when they're drunk, they fight each other. If I could move, I'd give those good-for-nothings a piece of my mind!
Alas, I cam stuck in the ground, and I doubt I shall ever leave. Saradomin may be merciful and let me be torn down for firewood, but 'tis not likely that will happen. Ah well, each has his own fate, I suppose. Mine is to protect unruly and ungrateful brutes that aren't even civilized enough to read a book! Hmph!
- The intelligent, yet rather unfortunate, Wall of the Barbarian Village (May it rot!)
09-May-2008 03:59:32
- Last edited on
09-May-2008 04:00:34
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