
A New Era

Quick find code: 49-50-689-52457909

One Hot Stud
Feb Member 2017

One Hot Stud

Posts: 2,507 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Turaek woke at dawn. Despite the previous night's excitement and his slightly damp clothes, he felt invigorated.

"Hmmmm," he thought as he looked about, "There's alot of broken gliders here. Probably why Tylas called it Crash Island."

It was a fairly peaceful island. Every few minutes, a bright plumed bird flew over the island and the sound of deadly scorpions scuttling across the rocks on the nearby beach could be faintly heard.

Turaek's stomach rumbled. "I should find some food." he muttered.

Thankfully, he didn't have to look very far. He found a pineapple laying near one of the mangled gliders and used it for breakfast. The morning was uneventful, except for the occasional scorpion, fiercely defending it's territory when Turaek tread too close.

It was close to lunchtime when (A)srown appeared out of mid-air, right next to him.

"AHHHH!" yelled the startled Turaek, " You scared the livin' hell outta me!"

"Oops sorry! I do have much explaining to do, but not right now. We have to get moving!"

Turaek, whose curiosity overwhelmed his anger on being dragged out of his home by a glider and then dropped into the sea, asked, "Wait, where are we going? Tylas told me other people were here."

"Tylas has moved onto our next destination and the others have gone back to the Gnome Stronghold. Now grab my hand and hold on!"

"Whoa! Hold on a sec-"

(A)srown and Turaek disappeared in a cloud of smoke, leaving the peaceful little island behind.


"-ond" It took Turaek a second or two to realize he wasn't on the island anymore. Instead, he found himself on a flat, grassy plain.

He could just make out a castle on the other side of a swiftly moving river. He saw an island with bridges on both sides and partially destroyed towers in the middle. On his side of the river, there was another castle and many spiked barricades surrounding the immense fortress.

"Hmmmm, I don't think this is Lumbridge." said (A)srown.

12-Jan-2008 05:33:17 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2008 05:45:32 by One Hot Stud

One Hot Stud
Feb Member 2017

One Hot Stud

Posts: 2,507 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I don't care where I am! I don't like it." growled Turaek. He turned around and SMACK! walked straight into a wall.

"OWWWWWWW! That hurt! WHO THE HELL PUT THAT WALL THERE??" Turaek looked around and saw that the wall was built as far as he could see in both directions.

"Yep, that solves it! We're in Castle Wars. Turaek, I know what you're thinking and no, you cannot go around. The wall was built around a certain area and its a hundred feet high. You can't go around nor can you climb it! The only way out is a portal in each castle. The only problem is we can't get into either of them!"

"Well why not?" demanded Turaek.

"We don't belong to Team Zamorak or Team Saradomin. We can't enter their base. All we need to do is wait for the timer to run out. I'll explain everything later."

Tureak was about to reply when he heard the sound of armor clanking loudly. He looked in the direction of the closest castle and found a man dressed in red robes, running towards them with a blue standard.

"Outta my way oldtimer!" disrespectfully yelled the young warrior. He ran past and Turaek grabbed his cape.

"OOF!" wheezed the warrior as he fell onto the ground.

"I may be old you pipsqueak, but if you ever get in my way again, I'll split you in half! Understood?"

The man quickly scrambled to his feet and held his standard in a fighting stance. "Ha! You would probably break a hip if you moved too fast! You've slowed my down and Saradomin is catching up! I'm going to kill you!"

With that, the man rushes towards Turaek, ready to run him through. Turaek swiftly moves to one side and punches the man in the neck. The foolish warrior loses balance and falls, but quickly scrambles to his feet.

Turaek moves in and quickly jabs his fingers into the soft spot between the shoulder and collarbone. The man's left arm goes limp at his side and he drops the standard.

Turaek executes three lightning fast punches and the man drops to his knees.

12-Jan-2008 05:35:24 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2008 05:46:55 by One Hot Stud

One Hot Stud
Feb Member 2017

One Hot Stud

Posts: 2,507 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Turaek picks up the standard and rams it into the warrior's chest. The man dies instantly and falls to the ground. Turaek pulls out the standard and leaves the body where it lay.

"I think we should return this. It belongs to the Saradominists." said Turaek.

(A)srown grins, "I thought you were Guthixian!"

"I am, why?"

"Because the score is tied. If you return that standard, you're choosing to favor good over evil."

"Hmm, you do have a point!"

Turaek turns his head to the sound of more clanking armor. "WHAT NOW!?" he yelled.

It was a group of blue robed warriors with one carrying a red standard. (A)srown counted four, but Turaek counted five.

"I see four"

"I see five"

"Five? How do you see five?"

"The red robed figure chasing them."

"Ohhhhh, I see him."

It was then that the one carrying to standard noticed them.

"Hey! They have our flag! Attack them!"

"Dang* you (A)srown! Why couldn't just practice you teleportation more? Now I'm stuck in here, fighting for my life!"

Turaek held his ground as the flag-bearer charged at him. "(A)srown, fire spells at the others, don't let them come near me! I'm not in the mood to deal with amateurs!"

The man with the flag jumped into the air, planning to release a powerful downward strike. Turaek swings his standard and it connects with the man's head.

The man hits the ground hard and Turaek quickly swings his standard down, breaking the man's neck.

"(A)srown take the flag!" he yelled.

(A)srown, who was lazily firing spells into the group, ran over and grabbed the red standard. The two old men run towards the warriors, ready to crush anyone who opposes them.

They both stab the same person, a woman in full Dragon armor and an Abyssal Whip, in the only place vunerable, her neck.

The other two Saradomin warriors rush up and raise their dragon weapons. (A)srown raises a hand and releases a searing wave of heat, sending one of the assailants backwards through the air.

12-Jan-2008 05:38:22 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2008 05:49:00 by One Hot Stud

One Hot Stud
Feb Member 2017

One Hot Stud

Posts: 2,507 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Turaek moves out of the way of the visciously curved scimitar held by the woman. He can hear the whistling of the air as the blood-red weapon barely misses it's mark.

He raises his foot and kicks the warrior in her chest, causing her to drop the weapon and fall to the ground. Turaek picks up the scimitar and brings it down on the young woman's head.

Exhausted, Turaek drops the weapon and looks up just in time to find a blast of water come barreling straight at him. With no time to respond, the blast hits him in the chest with unfailing accuracy, knocking him to the ground.

"Dang*! I forgot about that freakin' Zamorakian!" Turaek gets to his feet and he dashes for the blue standard a few yards away. The dirt around him explodes as the spells miss Tureak and hit the ground, causing bits of grass and tiny rocks to embed into his skin.

He reaches the flag and pulls it out of the dead woman's neck with a sickening CRACK. Mustering all the strength he can spare, he throws the standard high up in the air.

The mage, clad in red robes, fails to see Turaek's last attack and continues to rapidly throw spells at him. Turaek dodges them, but as each one is thrown, his responses become slower and slower.

Finally, another blast connects and Turaek is thrown to the ground. Too tired to stand, he waits for another spell to hit him, but it never comes.

"Oh man, that was a close one!" Turaek grinned. His throw had hit its target. The spellcaster was propped up by the standard sticking out of his head. Tureak limps over to the dead mage and pulls out the standard.

"Well, that was exciting!" exclaimed (A)srown as he walked up to Turaek, the other standard in his hands.

"Yeah, too much for this old heart though. Let's go to that small island. I want to get some peaceful rest."

12-Jan-2008 05:42:12 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2008 05:51:30 by One Hot Stud

One Hot Stud
Feb Member 2017

One Hot Stud

Posts: 2,507 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't have very long before my mem runs out. Lemme check...

3 days to clear out my bank :(

>~< After much consideration, I have realized I have no idea what's going on >~< The "ONE" and only One Hot Stud ~^~ Destroyer of Worlds and Bringer of Death, Destruction, and Cookies ~^~

13-Jan-2008 05:10:32 - Last edited on 13-Jan-2008 06:21:26 by One Hot Stud

One Hot Stud
Feb Member 2017

One Hot Stud

Posts: 2,507 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Can I getta W000t w000t!

I might be a member sooner than I thought. 2 weeks from now, my bro is getting a paper route and he sez he'll split the money w/ me if I help him. 83 bucks every two weeks can be mine!!! muahahaahahahahahahahaha!

15-Jan-2008 02:51:12

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