"There is no easy answer,"
Derene admitted sadly.
"It would be prudent to prepare for the worst, and yet at the same time we cannot disrupt the lives of our subjects, or do anything that might promote fear."
She looked around the table.
"Kathlyn, I'll need a report on our house's personal wealth. If public order breaks down, we may have to rely on that instead of our tax revenue."
Kathlyn nodded wordlessly.
"Adrienne, it would be be best if you focused on maintaining good relations with the lords of the realm. Particularly, the lords of the Great Houses. We cannot afford to lose their support or accidentally slight them. As for you, Chloelle, I would suggest using your social circle to keep track of gossip - anything that concerns the happenings of not just our court, but the courts of other noble families in the realm."
Derene took a deep breath.
"We also need to create some form of government. We could name one of us the regent, and have that person temporarily take on the responsibilities of the monarch. While I'm sure many will respect that authority, particularly if we choose someone with a good reputation, not all will view them as legitimate, and some may try to undermine them or flout their authority. There's also the issue of whether or not we can even agree who should lead."
"We could also form a regency council amongst ourselves, and make decisions through discussion and voting. This way our decisions will appear to be backed by more than just a single Scion. Although it may cause us to squabble amongst ourselves, and take longer to react to a crisis. And I'm sure certain lords will also petition to take seats on this hypothetical council as well."
Derene offered a shrug.
"Both options have their merits and drawbacks, and I am certain some of you must have your own ideas as well."