The information that Edlenmin carried was vital, and each there knew that the king needed to know it else all might be lost. Should this force arrive and be unrecognized or underestimated then the end would be disastrous. “Powerful enough to defeat a god in single combat…” Saradomin’s words echoed in Edlenmin’s mind. Wondering as to what could be that powerful, Edlenmin walked in silent meditation.
“What could this force be?” Daernaur asked Iâmeth.
“I do not know, but it must be divine in nature for it to be powerful enough to destroy a god,” Iâmeth mused. “What if it is a god? A god that has gained power and followers in silence; a god with no love for order, or the ways of Saradomin?”
“I see no way that a new god could rise to such power without mortals noticing,” Daernaur stated bluntly. “However, it is powerful and thus we must be careful. This war has been complex enough without another force,” he sighed.
“I know, my child, and my heart goes out to all those touched by the terrible actions taken by Zamorack in his war against us. Even now I can feel the souls of hundreds of our comrades suspended around us, waiting to be united with Saradomin,” Iâmeth said quietly and with great weight. Their march continued silently for many minutes until Iâmeth collapsed; assailed by some unseen, undetected enemy.
Iâmeth groaned as he rolled around on the ground, his face contorted in unnatural agony. His lips moved, but no words escaped them, and Edlenmin and Daernaur looked upon the spectacle in terror, for they knew of nothing they could do to help the priest.
“DEATH!” Iâmeth screamed in terror and he stopped moving.
“Death? What is dead?” Edlenmin asked in terror.
“Unnatural… death. All around me… death. Invading my mind… destroying my thoughts… death,” Iâmeth moaned as he lay on the ground.
02-Dec-2007 21:31:12