Freaky. As long as there is breath in my body nobody in Great Britain shall ever go to school in a computer... I really cba to read to much. It just seems like the same story of virtual-runescape. I don't like the idea of an american company buying runescape and re-naming it and plus what would happen to the current rs? etc.
To sbove poster: RuneScaoe was in RuneScape 3. There was some type of body swap, or mind swap, but the criminals were caught, and Jagex could let people play the game again, but the accident was too much, and they sold the company.
In 2030-something an American Company bought the rights to Jagex and made RuneSpace.
This story makes the effect that, as fuel prices are rising, it is cheaper to go to school with a computer rather than pay for fuel for a school bus.
I wouldn't mind going in a computer, but I'd be too old by then