
For the hell of war

Quick find code: 49-50-66-58349532

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've said this so many times that I've forgotten where I've posted it, so I'm just going to post it again.
This story was based on a war between two RUNESCAPE CLANS. If you didn't notice, those clans are based off of Halo. Obviously. So please, quit your crying and read my story.
Please note that my grammar is not perfect in the story (I was younger than I am now, obvoiusly) and I refuse to go through and edit a story that I've already finished.
Just some ground rules before we begin:
1. I do not appreciate idiots ruining stories. If it isn't constructive, don't post it.
2. I will not tolerate idiots, and I will call the mods upon you and you will be removed. You have been warned.
3. If you do anything against my rules, expect no mercy.
4. If you wish to flame my story, you must beat me in a duel. Since most of you can't, I would suggest you "stfu" and "gtfo".
5. Read the first page. Include the number 13 somewhere in your post if you did.
6. If you don't like my story, THEN DON'T POST CRAP HERE.
Post 3: Background Information
Post 4: Quotes off the pot of my head
Post 5: Something important
Pages 1-3: Private Blackburn's Journal and Story
Pages 9-11: Macmillans Story
Pages 33-56: Me defending my story against armies of hate (read it, it's funny as hell)

06-Feb-2009 22:18:54 - Last edited on 03-Aug-2010 06:27:32 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
…The War against the Covenant.……_____
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06-Feb-2009 22:19:06 - Last edited on 08-Aug-2009 01:47:14 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It started in the Verona Mafia. Our leader, Lancaster157, just walked away after many insults. He joined the Covenant instead.
There was a rebellion. Our leader, Lancaster157, had taken enough. He was yelled at, criticized, and betrayed by a clan he had so loyally followed. He got a group of fellow soldiers together, and started a coup. They recruited more brave men before they decided to strike, and they hit hard. They took Lumbridge and Falador, from there on to Karamja and Varrock. The Covenant, the ones he rebelled against, still controlled much of Misthalin. Their tryanny stretched from the Kharridian desert in the south to the Unknown in the "North"; called the wilderness by a few brave adventurers. Every man in the rebellion was valuble; the sick, the old, the young- everyone could fight if they wanted to. They developed a motto- Leave no man behind. It was honourable, they would lay down their own lives for the life of a fellow marine. This war was the bloodiest war many young men would die in. Either side would take few prisoners- and as soon as they were no longer useful, they would be executed. VIVE LA REVOLUTION!
This would be the first war that many would fight in.
It would also be the last.
Standard Armor:
Light Infantry- Tyras helm, Obsidian Cape, Verac's Brassard, Guthan's Chainskirt, and Black Boots.
Archers- Iron Chain, Black Dragonhide Legs and Vambraces, Magic Bow, and poisoned Rune arrows.
Mages- Black Mage Robes and hat, any staff.
Officers- (Ranked Captain and above)
White armor, any sword.

A word on names...
Many (okay, all) of the characters in my story are based off of my former clan mates. They asked to be in the story and there they go. Some of them are SIMILAR to ones found in Call of Duty, but they were not named AFTER people in Call of Duty.
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06-Feb-2009 22:19:15 - Last edited on 03-Aug-2010 06:35:13 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lines that changed the world:
A hero need not speak for himself. When he is gone, the world will speak for him.
And when he gets to heaven, to Saint Peter he shall tell:
"One more soldier reporting sir,
I've served my time in hell."
"War is not nice." -Laura Bush
"You can make a throne of bayonets, but you cannot sit on it for long." -Unkown
"Only the dead have seen the end of war" -Plato
"I don't fight for the hell of it. I fight for you. I fight so you can live. I fight because I love the people around me. If you want to criticize me for it then fine, but you were an awful lot nicer when I was fighting on your side. You're lucky I'm answering to you. I've been asked by other people like you and I didn't say a god damn word." -Myself
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06-Feb-2009 22:19:25 - Last edited on 03-Aug-2010 06:37:41 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A word about criticism-
Don't tell me what I'm doing wrong. Instead, tell me what I can do better, any other posts will be ignored completely, because I'm sick of idiots clogging up my thread. Criticism is not walking in and telling me I have a bad story, and that I suck at life. If you want to say that, I suggest you stake me in a duel. Don't have skills, cash, or can't beat me? Then gtfo.
Be sure to note that I was inspired after watching Saving Private Ryan. It gave me the perfect idea for the invasion of Mos'Le Harmless: D-Day. Please, stop whining about it.
Don't like something I do?
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Here's a tissue.

06-Feb-2009 22:19:33 - Last edited on 03-Aug-2010 06:50:09 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
April 1-29 War training
We marched all day in the rain, and even though we were drenched to the bone, we didn't complain. We were going to be marines, the best of the best of the best. We were to be the elite of elites, we were to be invincible. Training was hell; and the marching was said to be the work of Zamorak. Those who complained were sent back to camp, and if they did it again, they were sent away- and could not join the marines ever again. I did't complain at all, I saw what happened to the people that complained. After all that marching we went to the archery to learn how to improve our bow skills. We went to bed at 2200 hours, and woke up a 430 hours to do the same thing the very next day. Could life be any better?
I think we are finally done with all this marching...but as soon as I think that, the rain stops. Why do these things work out that way? But I'm not going to complain. At least we don't have to march through the smelly mud like the recruits do-it can get pretty bad in the lumbridge swamps. I began training in being a swordsman. I've always wanted to be a mage, but some of the higher end spells can backfire. For now, I'm sticking with the support of Lunar Magiks. I was fairly well trained before I came here, but with all those strength beasts running around in the enemy ranks, I need to be prepared. I learned the most amazing thing today-magic is really short handed. It mainly burns, tickles, and gets you cold, and is easily countered. I can't wait for the fighting to begin.

06-Feb-2009 22:19:42 - Last edited on 03-Aug-2010 06:28:47 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
May 15 Leaving Home
Tommorw will be my last day in the Lumbridge/Drayonor area. After this, I'm being sent to the front lines north of Varrock. Some of my best friends will be sent to Ice Mountain and the area north of Falador, but the only thing I can do is think of what war will be like. From what my commanders said to me, it's going to be hell. But, a the same time, I can't wait for it. I know I could be killed or wounded, but that's the thing- somebody has to do it. I'm going to the Grand Exchange to stock up on supplies. I don't know what to get. Well I know I'm going to need several 'super sets', armour, and many weapons, but I don't know what food to bring. Brews or pizzas, monkfish or sharks, sea turtle or manta rays. Hopefully I won't need much, if I can loot the enemies camps there should be more than enough to go around. I'm going to visit my wife and my son tonight and tell them what they mean to me. But I will have to lie to them- to tell them everything is going to be alright. Because it won't.

06-Feb-2009 22:19:50 - Last edited on 26-Apr-2009 01:55:02 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
May 17 Base camp
Well I can see why we needed to march so much- walking from Lumbridge to the area north of Varrock in full armour is a LOT of work. I couldn't believe my eyes when I got there. Blood was a common sight, and entrails were everywhere. Men screaming while the surgeons operated on them,men trying because of what they had seen and done. Post traumatic stress disorder was just a myth for us city boys- so why did it look so real now? I found my assigned tent and laid down my sword and shield, took off my armour and set my bag on the ground. It was going to be a long war.
May 22 Engagement
I thought I would never see any action. It was my squad's turn to patrol the camp. My squad consisted of Leuitenant Pierce, Corporal Seil, Private Ryan, and me. We were on our forth round, when we spotted two squads of enemy soldiers. We ran back to base to report it, and were given clearence to engage. we brought twice what we had before, and attacked. I saw a man with a battle axe and chain mail. I charged him with lightning in my eye. One of our mages used an ice spell on him, and one of our rangers fired at him while I swung my two handed sword at him, and he was down before he could call out or strike back. The other four attempted to retreat, but our arrows and spells made sure they didn't run. We returned to base with the loot and I was excited. Although I was covered from head to foot in blood, I saw that I was born to kill, and nothing else. I was going to show The Covenant the true meaning of hell. The best part was that I had the honor showing them the gates.

06-Feb-2009 22:19:57 - Last edited on 03-Aug-2010 06:42:50 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
May 27 Preperation for war
I'm going to fight in a battle very soon. We are going to march to Port Sarim in order to sail around to attack the enemy base in Ardounge. I'm not sure I will see much action, I've heard that they retreat whenever they are out numbered. I'm still concerned that we might be walking in a trap. Our field manual states that if your attack is going to well, you are walking into a trap. I pray to Saradomin that we won't be ambushed, but I'm still scared out of my mind.

06-Feb-2009 22:20:07 - Last edited on 26-Apr-2009 01:54:33 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have been transferred to a new regiment stationed in Karamja. So, it seems I won't be going to 'ardy', but hey I'm not complaining. The only thing is though, I dont know anyone here. I'm in a new squad, but at least I'm a corpral now. My platoon leader is Captain Macmillian, and he seems like a good leader, but he is new to war. I can't really say much about war; I've only ever been in one battle. But, I somehow know he will be a good leader. As far as religion goes, he is neutral in faith. Not that he doesn't believe, he just doesn't get involved in the issues that arise with Zamorak versus Saradomin, even if all Zamorak has done is make a fasion statement.

Let. Chad Grant- Blackburn! Front and center!
Blackburn- Sir! I am here as requested, sir!
Let. Grant- At ease corpral. Report to Captain Macmillian immediatly, and return to me when you are done.
Blackburn- Yes, sir!
Let. Grant- Oh, and corpral?
Blackburn- Yes, sir?
Let. Grant- Call me Chad.
Blackburn- Yes si--okay Chad.
I walked over to the Officer's Quarters to find Macmillian.
I walked up to him and cleared my throat; causing him to wake up from his nap and snap into authority.
Macmillian- Gear up Corpral...This time the enemy will not hold back.
Blackburn- What do you mean, sir?
Macmillian- My God! You don't know?! I can't believe my men are so badly briefed. Okay here's what's going on: we are about to lose the war if we don't hold on to our position. The trouble is, we are going to be attacked. The real problem is we dont know where the attack will come from.
Does that make it clear enough?
Blackburn- Yes, sir.
Macmillian- Good, because I'm sending you out to find an enemy base in the Kharidian desert. Don't worry, you're not going to be alone. Just be sure to bring plenty of food and armor, preferably ranging equipment. You ship out in 36 hours.

06-Feb-2009 22:20:15 - Last edited on 03-Aug-2010 06:44:26 by Oss Spy

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