
SotD3: Rise of the Alliance

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Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Back in Draynor, the Zarosians had been thoroughly beaten. With their leader’s attention elsewhere there was no more cloning, and all the soldiers that remained were captured or killed. They were lined up now for inspection, though there was no sort of officer present to deal with them. As Guthix entered the camp and saw this, he made a mental note to speak amongst the soldiers and appoint some commanders. He had noticed a few in the fighting that had shown some leadership.
A grateful citizen offered his house as an informal base, and Guthix gladly accepted. He grabbed a passing soldier by the arm and ordered, “Find my brother Saradomin and send him here immediately.” Then he went inside and flopped down at a table, head in his hands. Inside, he seethed with anger at his evil brother and raged and swore and built up a steady hate. They might be brothers, but Guthix would not falter if he had the chance to kill him, oh, no.
A few minutes later, the soldier returned. “Your honor,” he murmured with a bow. Long unbound brown hair fell around his face like a curtain.
“Did you find my brother?”
“No, your honor. No one has seen him since the battle.”
“What?!” Guthix rose to his feet in surprise. “Where in hell is he?”
Startled, the man darted back, pressing his hands against his black-robed chest defensively. “I don’t know, your honor!”
“Well keep looking!” Guthix roared. The soldier stumbled out, trembling.
Kyra huddled around a small fire as the nighttime chill settled over Draynor. Her new friend, Kelta, joined her moments later.
“Why’d Saradomin’s army retreat?” she asked sourly. The arrival of the defeated soldiers had caused great depression amongst the camp.
“Too many Zarosians?” offered Kyra bluntly, not wanting to talk.
“But how?” Kelta complained. “Zaros can’t have had that many followers, or they would have taken a stand long before this. They’re all so greedy, they couldn’t have hidden away that long if they had numbers like this!”

06-Jul-2011 02:29:56

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Talon approached, tightening his cloak around his shoulders. He sat down beside the women and began to clean off his dagger. “Any of you ladies ever look at the stinkers’ faces?” Obviously he had been listening to their conversation for a time.
“No** the other two said in unison.
Talon grunted. “You should. Always know the face of your enemy, so perchance you don’t kill him, you can if you ever see him again. Anyway, you’ll notice bunches of ‘em look exactly the same. It’s like they’re the same people.”
“Maybe they are…” Kyra mused.
The two warriors stared at her, but before she could elaborate Guthix’s messenger appeared in the dim circle of the fire.
“Baldawyn, hi,” Talon drawled. The words seemed friendly enough, but Kyra saw his jaw tighten and a ven pulsing in his temple. His blue eyes were like ice as he stared up at the latest arrival. Then, suddenly, the man rose. The cloth fell away from his long knife, making the dried blood that remained shine in the firelight like it was fresh.
“Like I said, ladies,” he growled roughly, “always know the face of your enemies.”
“Talon…” stammered the messenger in surprise.
“Talon, what’s going on?” Kyra rose also and her hand went for the hilt of her own dagger.
Talon laughed. “Why don’t you tell them, Baldawyn?”
The messenger blanched. ‘I-I just came t-to ask if any of you have s-seen his honor Saradomin. His lordship Guthix is l-looking for him.”
“I haven’t,” Kelta offered, lounging back in a relaxing pose. The appearance was decieving; she was just as tense as everyone else was. Kyra shook her head.
Talon snarled. “None of us have. What did you do, Baldawyn, kidnap him or something?”
“No – I would never –“ he stuttered.
“Talon, what’s going on?” Kyra repeated nervously. “If he won’t tell anything, then why don’t you?”

06-Jul-2011 02:30:12

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Talon’s thin lips twisted in an angry smile. “This man used to live in my village. His story was that he was a former Zarosian, gone to Saradomin. My father was the High Priest in our town. Baldawyn prayed alongside us, worked alongside us, and was my father’s best friend. But people don’t change, ladies, oh no. One day I come home to find Baldawyn layin’ arrows through my entire family. Woulda killed me too but for I grabbed my dad’s old sword off the wall and beat him back. I ran away that day, traveled all the way to Tzaar. I learned combat and magic there for nine years. I swore that day, though, that I would kill Baldawyn. For the past three years I’ve been hunting him. And here he turns up, playing the same game all over again!” A crazed laugh tore from his throat. “’Course, you stepped it up a notch, did*’t you, Baldawyn? Went from a lowly priest to Saradomin himself!”
Kyra stepped in front of him as he swooped to grab his staff. “What are you doing?” she demanded.
“Out of my way, woman! I’ll kill him!”
“Stop!” Kelta jumped to her feet, touching the ruby amulet around her neck. It glowed brightly, and Kyra felt a tug within her, as though something was being pulled away from her. Her crimson shirt seemed to tighten against her skin. A rush of power flowed through Kelta, loaning authority to her voice. “Look, Talon, we’ll take this to Guthix. He’ll know how to handle it.”
“This doesn’t concern Guthix!” Talon roared. “This man deserves to die, let me kill him!”
“T-Talon, I’ve changed, I’m truly with Saradomin now, I’ve pledged –“
“Oh, don’t give me that nonsense! That’s the same whimpering tale you told my father! ‘I’ve pledged my heart, my soul,’” he mocked. “But you obviously did*’t! No! You put an arrow through my little sister’s neck! I don’t give a d*** if you’ve changed, anyhow! You’re still a murderer! HE’S A MURDERER!” Talon’s voice rose with rage, and heads turned around the camp.

06-Jul-2011 02:30:29

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Stop it, you’re making a scene,” murmured Kyra. She grabbed his arm and tried to force him down.
He whipped his arm away. “I don’t care if the whole world knows!” he yelled, his cool demeanor gone. “BALDAWYN IS A MURDERER AND A SPY! NOW LET ME KILL HIM!”
A young woman sidled over. Kyra couldn’t help but stare at her brilliant jade eyes. “My, what’s happening here?”
“He killed my family!” roared Talon, gesturing with his staff at Baldawyn. He lost control and a jet of fire sprayed from the staff. Baldawyn ducked just in time. The girl darted backwards, eyes wide as she looked at Talon.
“Oh,” she said softly. “I-well-“ She glanced at Talon’s staff again and shivered, then swallowed. “He’s right, you know, anyone who kills family deserves to die!”
“Jennifer’s right!” piped up another young girl. Her white clothes gleamed orange as she stepped into the circle of firelight. One hand adjusted the black cavalier hat perched on her head as the other fingered the crystal bow under her arm. “I lost my father to some bandits on a merchant run from Varrock to Falador.”
A robed man entered the circle, pushing back the hood to glare at everyone with emerald eyes. “You people are too loud! Can*t a man get any sleep!” He scanned the circle quickly. “Bah! Women! Why do you always have to chatter so loud? That’s why we lost the battle you know, too many women in our ranks! War’s no place for women!”
Kelta inhaled sharply and whirled to face the intruder. “How dare you…” she hissed.
Chaos erupted within the group of soldiers. Their arguments could be heard across the entire camp. Guthix, only a short ways away in the house, groaned and leaned back in his chair, praying Saradomin would return from wherever he was soon.

06-Jul-2011 02:30:52

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Saradomin, as it turned out, was back in Heaven. He stood over a large, flat, circular stone. The surface of the stone shimmered a hundred different colors, depending on which angle it was viewed from. His speckled hair seemed to show more silver than brown these days and his robes were splattered with blood from the battle. “I’m sorry, Guthix, but this is the only way,” he whispered.
He raised his arms outward above the stone, and the dancing colors shifted to reveal the infamous dungeon. This particular room he called to his sight showed a red-haired man pacing across the stones. It appeared that Zamorak hadn’t moved from the chamber where the final battle had been held, as Saradomin could see the remains of the giant wolf and demon in the background.
Zamorak looked up, sensing the scrying, and made an obscene gesture with his hands. Saradomin laughed. “You’d better thank me for this…” He projected his voice into the dungeon. Zamorak frowned and looked up with a questioning glance. Saradomin began to chant, closing his eyes and seeing the weavings of magic around the dungeon. With each word that he uttered, the magic unraveled. He was careful to keep to only some of the weaving; the teleblock spell. He stood there for what felt like hours until the last bit magic blocking teleportation out of the dungeon crumbled. Then, taking a deep breath, he teleported into the dungeon.
“Saradomin?” blurted Zamorak. He was honestly surprised. He had felt nothing of what had just happened and thought his brother a fool for teleporting.
“Come with me,” ordered Saradomin.
The order god grabbed his brother’s arm and cast the spell to teleport to Draynor. As they whirled through the air, Zamorak laughed with glee.
“You freed me!”

06-Jul-2011 02:31:16

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In those short moments, they reached Draynor. Saradomin led the way in to the house, shoving the guards out of the way and keeping a tight hold on Zamorak’s arm. Guthix looked up and his jaw dropped shock.
The order god turned to his rival and took a deep breath, hating the words he knew he had to say. “Zamorak…we need your help.”
End of Chapter

06-Jul-2011 02:31:29



Posts: 2,478 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hm. I wonder if anyone remembers me? Probably not, considering how long ago I left, and how not a single story of mine remains on the fora... Sorry, Age of Autoers.
Anyways, yeah, I lost membership because I lost money, and now I've back for the free week. I missed reading your stories, Smee. And I regretted not even saying goodbye to the community of writers that had been built here.
... Though it appears you have vanished for good this time. Nearly a year now without a post, huh? I remember when you'd post an update a day, or I think once even two. I remember the Death Tournament, especially. That was awesome.
Well, I suppose that's how things go. I missed you guys... But it seems I'm too late to say goodbye.

30-May-2012 11:37:32

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