
SotD3: Rise of the Alliance

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Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm Smeeze, and welcome to the third part of my trilogy, the Saga of the Dungeon. It was originally designed to be a self-sustaining, endless series, and then I realized I'd be writing the same story over again and didn't really have time to do that. Thus, this book ends the series. I seem to write lots of trilogies.
So a little about myself: I have been around for over six years now, although I can't claim to have been very active all those years. I've written countless stories, and those that remain include this series (see SotD1 and SotD2), the Death Tournament series, the Gods Trilogy, and Feel the Silence. Once upon a time I founded a popular guild, the Golden Pen, until it was banned. I was a member of TWE and TIGA back in the day, and have numerous other credits.
Out there in the real world, my name is Bryana, I'm 19, and I study screenwriting, creative writing, and global health at Northwestern University. I watch a lot of television, I worship the Boston Celtics, and I love to read. Someday I hope to write for television and be a published author on the side.
So that's me. This story means a lot to me; it became quite an epic as it was being written. It spawned numerous spin-offs like the Sot* TGP version, as well as an attempt to create the labyrinth ingame. I wish I could have carried this story to the completion I originally envisioned, but this is a satisfactory ending to the story that was such a big part of my life for so long, and I hope you like it.
I'd recommend reading the previous books beforehand, or you're going to be seriously confused :P
Enjoy the story :)
~ Smeeze

03-Jul-2011 02:12:32

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The sentries lifted their pronged spears, crossing each other to bar the door they guarded. The hooded man bowed his head. In the darkness that shadowed his face, two glowing crimson eyes were visible. A strand of greasy black hair snaked out around his neck.
"State your name and purpose," barked one sentry. He was a paunchy man, with layers of thick leather over iron chainmail. A conical helmet with a strip of metal over his nose was perched atop his graying hair. A large, bulbose nose it was, with a mole just to its left. His eyes were blue, his lips fat and red. He squinted angrily at the intruder.
"My name is not your concern. If it will calm you, I am a high servant of Zaros." He extended his right palm, upon which was branded a rough symbol of a snake wound around a staff, the fangs closed upon the orb at the top. "I must needs speak with your master. It is urgent."
The two sentries shared a pointed glance. Finally, they nodded in unison. "Watch him," grunted the fat guard. Then he lowered his spear, as did the other. He shoved through the door and let it slam shut with a heavy -thunk- behind him.
Just as the visitor was getting impatient, about to go after the messenger, he returned. "Measter Ess'rad will see you now," he said curtly, spittle flying from his fat lips. The visitor bowed his head once more and followed obediently.
The doorway led into a long, low corridor. The figure wishing to visit the master of this place was tall, and was forced to bow his head to fit. Small trickles of water streamed down the sides of the wall to pool in small puddles. A pungent odor wafted on the air, sickly sweet. Torches in heavy iron sconces lined the wall every few lengths, creating small patches of darkness in between.

03-Jul-2011 02:14:31

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After a few minutes of walking in silence, the only noise the click-click of boots on stone, the visitor and the guard reached another door. It was oaken wood, with wide strips of studded iron across it. The sentry produced a key from a belt pouch and unlocked the door. Inside was a vast chamber. The ceiling rose out of sight and was almost long and wide enough to do the same. A long, dark scarlet carpet made a path, lined with torches, up to a raised dais. Upon this sat a brass chair, a chair that appeared much like a throne.
Upon this throne sat a man, clad in a black sleeveless tunic and black trousers. A crimson robe covered his shoulders and a ruby amulet hung from his neck. His hair was short and black, and he had a long black beard. His eyes were a cold gray, on either side of a long, hooked nose. He looked much like a hawk, in fact.
"Come." The voice was deep and obviously masculine, with an air of authority to it.
The guard nudged the visitor forward, then bowed and backed out the door. It snicked shut behind him. The visitor strode swiftly to the throne and gave a brief bow.
"You fashion yourself like a king, Master Ess'rad," murmured the visitor with a slight chuckle.
Ess'rad smiled, showing long white teeth. "In many aspects I am a king, friend. Highest Priest of Zaros, why, I am his second in the world, the king of his people."
The visitor chuckled again. "Ah. That is what I have come to speak to you about, good Master. I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but Zaros...he has appointed a new High Priest."
First Ess'rad turned the color of ash, his jaw tightening. Then he slowly colored until he looked like a ripe plum. "I - what?" he gasped. He struggled to control himself. "Who, may I ask, has taken my position?"

03-Jul-2011 02:14:47

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The visitor smiled beneath his hood. "Well, I'm sure you know of Zaros' little contests? To retrieve the Staff?" Ess'rad nodded for him to continue. "His last such venture ended only three days ago. I am pleased to inform you that Zaros was successful in retrieving the Staff. Part of his victory was due to the efforts of his faithful necromancer that ran the contest - a man named Dramen Naar." The visitor pushed back his hood, revealing the long, crooked face and greasy black hair of Dramen. "I am Dramen Naar."
Ess'rad tried to speak, emitting a choking, strangled noise. He lunged forward, hands outreached to wrap his long fingers around the necromancer's neck, but he hit an invisible wall of air. Dramen sighed.
"I understand that you have suffered a great insult, Master Ess'rad, but I would advise you not to attempt to harm me. And that is only part of why I came. As I said, Zaros has retrieved the Staff of Armadyl."
"He is undefeatable with it," Ess'rad breathed. Then he frowned. "Unless the four gods join together. Which is rare, of course."
"And it gets better," giggled the necromancer. "You may know that in the previous contest Zamorak was imprisoned in the dungeon. The gods left him there, replacing the teleblock spell after the Staff was removed. They assumed they would retrieve it. There is no way Zamorak will join their side now. Zarosian conquest is evident. But, as I was saying, Zaros is in need of an army. You, Master Ess'rad, rule the Zarosian underworld - you are still a king in that respect, if you consider. Zaros gives you two tendays to gather every last Zarosian that you can - bring them here. Then he will strike."
Ess'rad bowed his head. "I will do as he wishes, then. Two tendays."
"Good luck," Dramen murmured. Then he turned and swept off back to the door, his black robes dragging about his ankles.

End of Prologue

03-Jul-2011 02:14:59

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 1

He steered his horse through the maze of fire, cursing the pain in his stomach. His broken ribs sent knives stabbing through his chest with every breath. It pounded evenly in time with the thunder of the stallion’s hooves on the charred dirt. Spotting a crimson cloak, he swung downward with his warhammer. A sickening crunch of the thick steel passing through the iron helm announced his personal victory. He thrust his hammer back into his belt, spun the horse around with a long pull on the reins, and searched for Glevea.
He spied her on her white mare a few lengths away. Her long brown hair streamed from beneath her golden helm, and he knew that beneath the visor her emerald eyes were glittering with determination. It was a dangerous look, one he had come to admire during his time with her in the dungeon.
All of his surviving companions from the that trap except Lance had come to meet Zaros’ followers outside of Ardounge. Most of them still suffered from various injuries, as it was only three days after their escape, but every man was needed. The levies from Ardounge were a craven lot, fighting only because their king had ordered them too. They were fueled by determination to save their homes and families, but all the same they knew not how to fight and survive. The adventurers were not much help, barely able to fight, but they assisted all the same.
He trotted up beside her, skillfully guiding his horse one-handed. Glevea heard his arrival rather than saw it – the slits in her visor obscured her vision considerably. She sheathed her sword in the shoulder harness and lifted her helm off, then turned in the saddle to face him. Her auburn hair rippled as she shook her head. Her broken arm had been placed in a sling, and now rested across her lap, holding the reins to guide her horse.
“Larvald,” she greeted with a small smile. Her eyes had the sparkle Larvald had expected.

03-Jul-2011 02:15:18

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Glevea,” Larvald replied with a quick nod. *Where are Exile and Katherine, do you know?” They had found a lull in the battle; the main fray had moved on. A small pack of Zarosian men tramped toward them. Glevea waited until they were sprawled on the ground - one beheaded, two slashed through the chest, and two with their heads crushed by Larvald’s hammer – before she answered.
“Battle’s moved closer to the walls. I think they’re in the thick of it. Or they’re in the city.” Larvald turned his head to the great gray stone walls of Ardounge. The afternoon sun slanted across them, shadows making the gray look darker than it actually was. Before them was a shrieking and clanging mass of Zarosians and levies. Zaros had planned to attack the city at daylight, but sentries spotted the approaching army and engaged them in the fields outside. The battle had been raging all day with little sign of either side relenting. Now it seemed that the defending levies were being beaten back.
Larvald turned at the sound of approaching hooves. Exile thrust the sword they had given him into its scabbard and grinned. “Looking for me?” Then he grew somber. “Come quickly. Zaros is in the city wreaking havoc. Katherine and Krystal are already on their way.”
Glevea plopped her helm back on her head. “Are any of the gods there?” she questioned as the trio cantered back toward the city. Once, she might have questioned the existence of the gods, but the evens of the past two weeks had changed her perspective of everything.
“Armadyl appeared immediately. He said Guthix and Saradomin were on the way – they’ll be there when we arrive, I’m sure.* Exile spurred his steed to a gallop and entered the city.
The smell of smoke assaulted Larvald’s nose instantly. Now he noticed a great dark cloud over Ardounge. Atop the walls, dancing wickedly on the ramparts, was Zaros.

03-Jul-2011 02:15:54

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The god of evil had made the body he inhibited look like a king. He appeared about in his mid-thirties. His face was long and thin and his skin dark like a Karamjan islander. His head bore a lank mop of black hair that fell straight to his earlobes. Beneath it, Larvald saw, a silver pendant set with a ruby dangled from his right ear. His chin was covered in a thin, short-cropped goatee. As always, the god of evil’s eyes glowed like to firedrop gems.
He was clad in a crisp black tunic with a high collar. The bottom of the shirt was tucked into his black pants. A wide silver, sparkling belt with a golden buckle encircled his waist. Around his shoulders was draped a dark, rich green cloak. On his head he had perched a scarlet floppy hat with a white feather sticking up. He held the Staff of Armadyl in his right hand and waved it in the air as he chanted spells. Fire shot from the emerald orb to set houses and shops ablaze.
Larvald’s fellows rode over as soon as they saw him. Katherine sat atop the horse comfortably, completely at ease in the saddle. She wore her usual white shirt and pants, though they were stained with blood and dirt. Her fire staff rested across her knees, for she was primarily a mage. Long black hair flowed down to her lower back and her gray eyes flicked constantly to the villain on the wall. Exile trotted over to her side and Larvald heard a long sigh of relief.
Krystal was riding a chestnut mare. The red-brown fur of the horse was not quite dark enough to match her rider’s dark brown mane. The werewolfess was looking haggard and worn. While in the dungeon, her wolf side had hardly affected her, beside the immediate effects. These included random patches of fur, pointed ears – rather like an elf, but smaller -, the lengthening of fingers into claws, and of course her frightening golden eyes.

03-Jul-2011 02:16:27

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Their exit out of the dungeon had accompanied the full moon, however, and the first two nights of liberation had been exceedingly painful, and brought on more wolf-like features than ever. Citizens fleeing the city and the destruction continuously paused and stared openly. She was more covered in fur than ever, and her arms and legs had thickened with muscle to the point where it looked absurd.
Armadyl was not far behind Krystal, on a white mare. He wore a jade tunic with a high collar like Zaros. Over this he had draped a white cloak, and his pants were white as well. He carried a curved scimitar through his silver belt and a staff in the cup attached to his saddle. His copper hair curled down to his ears, almost obscuring his sapphire eyes. A thin mustache wound its way along his upper lip.
Behind Armadyl came Saradomin. The God of Order seemed to have grown more gray hairs in the past two weeks, but there was still some brown in his flowing mane of hair and beard. He wore gray, an open shirt that revealed his muscular chest and gray riding breeches. He carried a large, two-handed claymore strapped across his back.
Guthix followed, on a tall bay steed. His hair was graying like Saradomin’*, but with much more gray than gold. He was clean shaven, with a old, wrinkled face and twinkling blue eyes. He wore a gray tunic over a white long-sleeved shirt and gray pants. A tall staff rested in the holster on his saddle.
“So…” Larvald began uncertainly. “What do we do?”
Armadyl chewed his lip in thought. “If you can climb up there on the wall and distract him, maybe we gods can hit him with something. A binding spell. Or teleport the Staff out of his hands.” He sighed guiltily. “I’m sorry to put you at risk, since you’re all injured and whatnot, but…we’ve got no one else. All we have is levies, and Zaros can kill them without a second thought. But you – you’re some of the best fighters I’ve ever seen. The five of you should be able to hold him off.”

03-Jul-2011 02:16:48

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Best fighters? Oh, we’re wonderful. That’s how Zaros ended up with the Staff,” Exile said bitterly. Then, after a puase, “No. Not ‘we’. I lost the Staff.”
Katherine touched his arm. “You mus*’t blame yourself, Exile. You’re only human, he’s a god.”
“You can’t have been expected to hold onto it after he set fire to it,” added Saradomin. If anyone is to blame, it is Armadyl and I for not diverting him better.”
Glevea broke in hurriedly, “It is no one’s fault, all right? What happened couldn’t be helped. We can’t change that. We can change what happens next. Stop blaming yourselves, stop with the ‘what ifs’ and let’s just try to set things right. We’re wasting time.”
Guthix nodded. “She’s right. Let’s go.”
Larvald, Katherine, Krystal, Exile, and Glevea dismounted in unison, hurriedly tying the reins around a nearby hitching post. Larvald drew his warhammer, Krystal and Glevea each their dual blades, Exile readied his knives, and Katherine prepared her staff. Zaros hadn’t even noticed them, it appeared, though he must have guessed they would make an attempt to stop him. He was a ways away from the gatehouse, a good two hundred feet or more. They would have some time to prepare themselves and advance upon him.
The five trotted in single file to the gatehous. Katherine, first in the line, opened the door and led the way up the spiraling tower stairs. The wooden planks were rotten and creaked dangerously beneath the warriors’ feet.
Katherine was also the first to reach the top. She shoved open the trap door and clambered out, carefully watching her step. Once she was safely upon the ramparts, she looked up. Then, with a gasp, she collapsed backward through the opening.

03-Jul-2011 02:17:07

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