Augh Matt not enough time sorry. But we do need to have an activity sweep. I will try to work it all out later.
Public Relations Rep. Meeko79
Dept. of Public Relations, Titan Enterprises
14-Jul-2009 22:47:43
- Last edited on
16-Jul-2009 03:40:48
Here are all the updates.
These are our Co-Leaders, Reviewers, and Bumpers (alphabetical) There is also a waiting list.
2nd in command: Me
Our Leaders are:
Our Co-Leaders are:
Auroke(as) - Inactive
Geo The Arch - Inactive
Smurf Black - Inactive
Jobs/powers of the ranks
2nd in command - Run thread in Matt's absence. Has the power to do anything.
Leader - Helps run thread. Can accept/decline applications. Can also fire/suspend employees
Co leader - Keeps everything running smoothly on the thread. Can accept/decline applications. Can fire employees with good reason and must also let a higher rank know. Has power to suspend employees aswell.
Head Reviewers - Reviews stories. Can accept/decline applications. Can also suspend employees.
Head librarian - Gives help to those that need it. Can accept/decline applications. Can also suspend employees.
Reviewer - Reviews stories.
Librarian - Give help to those that need it.
Bumper - Bump
16-Jul-2009 03:20:42
- Last edited on
16-Jul-2009 03:39:10
Application for leader:
Requirements - Must be a worker in WOV and must have been here atleast a month.
Current position:
Why should you get this position(atleast 1 paragraph):
Will you be active:
Will you do the jobs of a leader:
Notes(extra, does not need to be filled out):
Application for head reviewer
How did you find out about us:
Why should you get this position(atleast 1 paragraph):
Will you be active:
Will you do the jobs of a Head reviewer:
Notes(extra, does not need to be filled out):
Application for head librarian
How did you find out about us:
Why should you get this position(atleast 1 paragraph):
WIll you be active:
Will you do the jobs of a Heads librarian:
Notes(extra does not need to be filled out):
Wow, that was such a big post I used up all my characters. Well here are all the updates I could get. Please update it all Matt. I added new ranks and applications
. Now lets get some applications.
Public Relations Rep. Meeko79
Dept. of Public Relations, Titan Enterprises
16-Jul-2009 03:40:16
- Last edited on
16-Jul-2009 15:24:00