With Leaders and co-leaders that establishes a hierarchy.
As leader, all I do is make the thread, and virtually keep order. Other than that I'm basically CO-LEader*****-Leaders merely bump and accept. We can't exactly be a guild if we can't accept stories...
Hierarchy's arrange Writers based on rank of writing, and how long he/she has been in the guild. We treat every one of our Writers in the same way, and give them no status above another****-Leaders don't have to be writers, but it doesn't mean they can't. Anyone can apply for Co-Leader, and anyone has a chance of being accepted immediately, providing balance throughout the guild.
Basically stating, this is NOT a hierarchy.
I have seen guilds in the clans forums before, such as TAL. guilds such as this, however, DO rank writers. like I said earlier, we do NOT.
17-Feb-2008 02:55:33