Hi, I am back, what took you guys so long? Without me this library would have died I bet.
(\/)€€KÒ ~ Co leader at Writers Of Varrock ~ reporter of the fastest moving thread in the stories forum ~ Monkey king ~ Librarian of the Yanillian Library ~ Story lover ~
Yea, I'm quite busy lately. And now I'm working on a clan. (Not one big in combat, a just-for-fun one)
It's mostly just parties and such. Can anyone think of a good name?
I can't think of any good names sorry. I also can't join as I am in my friends which I used to own but I gave to him. Notice anything new? I am not using my signature.
Meh, whatever. As it's a "party clan" there is no real purpose other than our amusment. For that reason, those who are aloud in multiple clans would only have our clan as secondary, thirdary, or last even. It doesn't need people to be loyal to, as there is no way to betray it.