News reporter - And thats how Ice is a hero everyone! IS there anything you would like to say?
Ice - I couldn't have done it without my brother Nooby!
(The pair have a brotherly hug, everyone goes awwwwww)
News reporter - and thats a rap.
(Ice walks away from the others, and stands by a cliff, looking out to sea at the sun set)
(A voice next to him) - Lovely Sun set
(Ice turn to see Nooberela)
Ice - Hey...
Nooberela- I can't believe all that's happened in the past few weeks...
Ice - I know, Swelly being arested by the fashion police for whereing last seasons turban, and something about atemped murder... Proffessor Vinor having a Tomarto Shop in Varrock Sewers... and Puttoc being Saradomin...
Nooberela - It's been an... 'Interesting' year
Ice - I'm gonna miss it in the Summer Break...
Nooberela - Me too...
(they both stay quite for a few moments, staring out to sea)
Ice - (In Head) Come on man, you can do it.. all those almost moments, like on top of the dual arena, it's time to say it!
(Ice goes to look at Nooberela and starts to move towards her, she doesn't notice, how happy
Nooby - Hey bro! (gives Ice a pat on the the back and ice falls of the cliff)
Nooby - Did i change Ices Home Teleport Point?
(on the Iceburg)
Peguins - Hes back! Code Red!!!!! Prepare the Penguin Ninja's!
(meanwhile back at the Noob School)
Nooby - Probably!
22-Jul-2009 22:22:18
- Last edited on
10-Jan-2010 17:08:17
Snakus Viper