Chapter Eleven
Ice Mountain (continued)
Jessica whirled on Ace, furious. "Why did you do that?!" she shouted at him. "Are you trying to kill him?!"
Ace stared at her. "He loves her, and he's willing to go the distance to save her. Anyway, fighting Drakos is bad enough for Willow. Fighting Drakos with a hostage, especially one she cares about, will be even worse. She's going to need all the help she can get. Even if she isn't human."
Jessica opened her mouth, presumably to shout some more, when the gravity of what Ace had just said struck her.
"Not human?"
"Whaaaaat?" said Chazz, but she barely heard him.
"Of course not, said Ace. "Can any normal human run that far without breaking a sweat? Can any normal human COME BACK FROM THE DEAD?! No! And her silver eyes. Don't tell me you didn't notice."
Dumbly, Jessica shook her head.
Ace shrugged. "Well, before you start berating me again about Tyron, know that there's nothing you can do about it now, and I would have done it again. After all, I would do the same thing."
Jessica was momentarily distracted from the astounding thought of Willow being nonhuman to the absurd thought of Ace in love. He was too strange, too mysterious, to love someone. Before she could stop herself, she blurted out, "You? In love?"
Suddenly something sparked in Ace's eyes. An emotion she had never seen before in him that she couldn't quite name.
"Well," he said gruffly, "I'm going to follow them from the air. You, Chazz, and Termac can make camp here. If I don't return with Willow and Tyron, I'm dead. Don't be too surprised."
He said this with a note of what was almost resignation in his voice. It was entirely possible that both Tyron and Ace would die. And Ace seemed to realize this, as he turned back to Jessica.
Without hesitation, Ace swept Jessica into his arms and kissed her on the lips. Before this had time to register in her mind, he dropped her and took off.
She recognized the look in his eyes.
23-Sep-2010 01:03:59