“Hmm?” He barely had the time to notice the healer, distracted by his desire for revenge and bringing the fight to every enemy. Once ready, he knelt to receive healing. Quite a bit of blood had stained his front, but the healer would do one’s work.
Erik overheard Annie’s comments regarding the...peculiarly odd elf woman, but he nodded to that.
“Childishness isn’t a negative, it is a sign of innocence, an invitation to help the oppressed and unprivileged.” Although a warlord was violent by nature, all hearts can beat with at least some affection and empathy. Perhaps that is what can truly cure the darkest curse?
It was soon time to go. Some friends remained in the castle, battling over a vampiric ambition. Another friend would have to survive in the forest. But, at the very least, Erik was one friend who would partake in this dark, cold journey.
A single masked stare was all she needed to remain alone. Masakari sharpened, Sakura actually opened her wounds to prevent healing, as was the norm for her people. For them, scars were not a sign of embarrassment, but of pride.
Accustomed to the cold, Sakura did not even have a leaky nose. She was quite the hardy woman in both mind and body, and perhaps even for what little soul she had left. Undoubtedly, she was not just a wild woman, but something more, something else resided deep within her.
Darkness, of a kind that no light could cast away, yet something that was her salvation to peace.
The distorted whispers and foggy aura made an inhaling sound, seemingly sucked into Sakura’s body, and the effects vanished. She stood and carried on, a little more bounce in her gait and hip sway.
18-Apr-2020 04:13:30