
Vampyro Naktis {RP}

Quick find code: 49-50-603-66121137

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Protected by a flame shield, her hurled Masakari met its target in the head. The Dwarf’s skull split asunder vertically, blood and cerebrospinal fluid dashed out. After she retrieved her axe, a Drugal made its explosive appearance. He presented an o-yoroi armour and katana.

This Katana… maybe of the legends? Sun Staff may be somewhere with Lexius.

The Drugal offered a vial of Vampire blood, so Sakura put it in a pouch. She sheathed the katana and slid it through her sash. Armoured equipped over her ceremonial garb, Sakura motioned the Drugal.

“Let’s go.”

Since she was armoured, she had no fear of arrows.


After some issues with an unusually non-conforming boy contrary to his culture, a score of prisoners were equipped and the motley assortment readied for departure. Lyra’s horn was given to the warlord, which he accepted, as he still was not equipped with his original gear. He took it with his free hand and put the horn at his sword-belt.

“Alright, when do we get going?” Erik made sure the old lady was safely over his shoulder, she seemed so.

20-Dec-2019 22:24:04 - Last edited on 21-Dec-2019 01:41:41 by Azi Demonica



Forum Moderator Posts: 11,846 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

That's where Vyrl needed to be, where he was needed the most.


When you could commune with death itself, you became as omnipresent and omnipowerful as the metaphorical being itself; your consciousness transcended such trivialities as place, and your power become more than the sum of your physical cells. Vyrl was needed everywhere, but he could also be everywhere, and everything at once. The power was overwhelming, the surge of triumph a majesty of brilliance. All worldly feelings and desires faded away.

What he needed was a place to hide. Lexius called it cowardice, but it was practicality -- when you were everything, everything was you. He was, as things stood, weak. Oh, he had all the strength and power of a vampire in the peak of its life, but he was small, and avoided physical combat wherever possible. If he attempted to commune with dozens of undead warriors at once -- if he attempted to reach beyond his immediate surroundings and influence battle throughout the siege -- then he would have to split his focus away from his immediate surroundings, away from his own sense of personal safety.

He needed to be close enough to the dead to control them in battle, but not so close that he might be discovered and killed, unable to defend himself, where his armies would collapse into dust moments after. The siege would fall, then, the intruders gaining valuable footholds -- no, it was not cowardice that moved him into the dark siderooms, but practicality alone.

Lexius. A wiser man might have questioned why he had not been given orders. A wiser man might have imagined there was a reason; only a fool would see the insult and nothing more. Lexius was the perfect example of why power should not be hereditary. For the most part, Vyrl enjoyed the power Lexius held; his many, many vices made him simple to manipulate when the need arose. His anger might pose a problem, however -- it might do to hide from him as well.

22-Dec-2019 17:54:11



Forum Moderator Posts: 11,846 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So Vyrl hid, in the nearby chamber of a vampire who had already fallen in the fighting. He hid, and he closed his eyes. In a closet of all places -- he’d never claimed to not be a coward, even if it was practical -- and as his eyes closed, his mind expanded.

He began with thirty. Thirty corpses left in the wake of a drunken madman. They rose, warriors all, and strode in unison. One of them flexed their fingers experimentally -- its new master felt a distant twinge of amusement. Fine motor skill indeed. The amusement was felt, inconceivably, barely, across the spectrum of thirty warriors, a reflection of a feeling none of them could understand. It was brief, and replaced by a deeper, more complex emotion, a driving force without a name. The began to walk in lockstep with one another, the unspoken command ringing throughout their beings.

Each had lost their will on death; each now walked to the will of another. They felt its rage, its pain, its fear. They felt everything in a wild blend, like the colours of a rainbow beyond perception, twisted and ugly. Above all, they felt its will. It became their desire, and now they walked in accordance with the will of the still-living. What they felt was something beyond anything they had any right to feel or comprehend.

22-Dec-2019 17:54:23



Forum Moderator Posts: 11,846 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A tremor in the air -- a memory. An unspoken idea: the rooftops. A drugal. Resistance. They had known resistance once; they’d resisted death, as all living beings once had. Resistance was the enemy. Resistance was wrong. They ran, emboldened by the idea. Oh, the logic was flawed, but that did not matter to beings without functioning brains. Only will mattered. Another spot of abstract amusement -- the dead running was amusing, somehow -- and they were gone, ascending, higher and higher, until they lost track of what and where and how and why and when. It was only when the first armoured beings came into view that their swords were drawn, and their combined consciousness prepared itself for battle.

To anyone watching, the defeat of the dead seemed a certainty. To anyone who could feel Vyrl’s outstretched hand, waiting for the first to fall and rise again, they might have hesitated. Even as those thirty thundered forwards, Vyrl’s mind reached out across the castle. The first to die fighting the dead would rise again, and fight the living. Its consciousness-to-be wondered idly how strong it could make its army.

Everywhere. Everything. Hidden in the closet of a dead man, Vyrl was all.

22-Dec-2019 17:54:30

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Hiding in the closet of a dead vampire. There was no need to put himself in danger for a while. Nobody would find him here, unless they were a mage,able to sense his magical potential. Actually there was a small chance he might be discovered, but in here, he was the master of all. He was the harbinger of death, he was the embodiment of necromantic mastery. Centuries of studies of the fell arts have made him a veritable master of death itself. Perhaps this was why it called out to him.

a roaring voice reverberated in his head.

He could feel more undead minions rising from their graves. 30, 60, 90. His minions were Fighting killing, dying, rising from their graves again. And again. And again. They were his tools; they were his weapons; instruments of death, all of them. Swordfighting lessons from Lexius? If only he knew the power at Vyrl’s command.

The voice called out to him. “If you would but claim me, your mastery of the fell arts will now be complete, at long last! O Lord of Death!

Vyrl was perhaps curious. Will he dare follow the voice calling out to him? A small faint red light appeared over Vyrl. No words were given, but Vyrl saw the light exit his closet, only to turn around and try to nudge Vyrl out of the closet. It definitely wanted him to follow it.


Much like Sakura and Erik, You too are about to get something. Something that will make you the living embodiment of necromantic mastery. Will Vyrl dare follow the faint blue light?
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

29-Dec-2019 22:56:16 - Last edited on 29-Dec-2019 22:56:56 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Lexius walked down the fourth floor hall with such speed that his Vixnar bodyguards had a hard time keeping up. The lumbering blue-skinned brutes were out of breath, and they were huffing. Lexius, however was not one to stop for anything, not even when drunk. Only one thing was on his mind: Vyrl. Lexius wanted to out-perform him, and he knew just what to do.

How did he gain Vydyti’s approval? He’s a coward. A drow. A minion. Not even a pureblood.

In short, Lexius was jealous. But to call it “jealousy” was a bit of an understatement. This wasn’t mere jealousy. This was an obsession. Obsession over Vyrl’s successes, as compared to Lexius’ repeated failures. The drinking wasn’t helping his mood either. In fact the situation reminded him of Sudaro, his old friend on Sanguinos, who also out performed Lexius.

“Stupid Vyrl with his stupid orders from Vykdyti. What have I done to lose both Vykdyti and mother’s trust?” Lexus asked aloud. One of the breakers following him knew immediately. “May I speak freely master?” he asked. “Go ahead” Lexius uttered gritting his teeth as he said so. His hand was on his sword.

“I’m not one to criticize you too much. You give into your vices with childish glee. There’s nothing wrong with raping the cattle. Everyone needs to rape someone every now and again. You just need to know how to balance work with play. Also drinking during siege is a horrible practice. How do you drink that bloodwine swill anyway? I snuck a glass once and it tasted horrible. Was vomitting the for days afterwards” The Vixnar brute observed.

Lexius took his hand off his sword, and kept walking until he came across an imposing iron door. “It is an acquired taste, requiring the loss of several lunches; and don’t sneak off that stuff. Ask first. No matter though. Soon it will be taken care of, and Vyrl will be put back in his place.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

03-Jan-2020 20:27:05 - Last edited on 03-Jan-2020 20:30:05 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Vixnar brutes backed up. “ Are you seriously going to release Bala’s pets?” They asked at the same time? Lexius grinned with a twisted smile. “Yes. All of them.”

The Vixnar brutes backed away slowly. And then used their inhuman speed to run away. Lexius took out his key, and opened the door into a massive chamber around 450 feet in length with a high domed ceiling. He took the time to allow each of Balta’s pets sniff him. After all, he was still Balta’s son, and had her scent. A scent mixed with the odor of human body fluids, but. Lexius started with the trolls. The trolls, were fat creatures, with three eyes. One of which was on their forehead. Black fur covered their bodies. They had concave faces with their chins jutting out. They stood on all-fours They had an affinity for crushing mortals with their bare hands. They had to be kept completely separate from all of Balta’s other pets, because the trolls liked to steal their food. Especially the feral vergas.for they both eat the same food: meat. Particularly the meat of mortals. They did not like the food Balta’s gargoyles eat, which are rocks. Balta usually fed the vergas before she fed the trolls.

In fact, Balta usually fed the trolls last. The death hounds, and the trolls don’t get along for the same reason, and the wyverns would likely eat the trolls if they came in contact with each other.

He let the trolls out of their cages. Upon seeing an open door, they eagerly ran out looking for food. The screams of mortals filled the halls soon after. Lexius closed the gate and made his way to the wyverns.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

03-Jan-2020 20:31:16

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The wyverns Balta had caged were the verdant forest wyvern, and th glacial ice wyvern both of which are deadly poisonous to mortals, but not deadly to the immortal vampire The wyverns also bit him. Wincing at the pain he moved on after using the same key to open the wyvern cages, Balta had 42 wyverns in 42 cages wyverns. Lexius opened them all. The wyverns came out licking their lips At Lexius, perhaps hoping the poison would kick in, allowing them to eat Lexius.which it did not. Wyvern toxin takes 3 minutes to kill. When the wyverns saw the open door, and heard the sounds of battle, the wyverns left and roared triumphantly upon their glorious escape into the halls of the castle, which reverberated throughout the castle.

Then he got to the gargoyles. He hated them because one of them was always coming up with some kind of asinine scheme to get more rocks to munch on. They were excited to see him though upon seeing him they fluttered to the cage

“Ah Lexius! Cared enough to let us out?” One gargoyle, the one he hated the most asked. Lexius “Your services are needed, want to kill some humans, elves, and drugal. I got some rocks for you to munch on afterwards.” The gargoyle shook his head, “Now just a second here, ya see. If ya wants our services ya needs ta pay the rock tax now!” Lexius shook his head.

Of all the ridiculous schemes…
Lexius thought to himself

“Um… rock tax?” Lexius asked. The rock-skinned gargoyle nodded, fluttering in his cage.

“Rock Tax: For each human murdered I require 15 rocks. It can be substituted for 3 diamonds, 5 rubies, 7 emeralds or 8 sapphires. “ Lexius grumbled and went to a cart of rocks pushing it over to the gargoyles. “Feast away you greedy bastards.” he opened the cage with his key and the gargoyles flew out and began chewing rocks. After a 15 minute feast, they then went over to weapon racks and picked up spears and then flew out the door.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

03-Jan-2020 20:34:43

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Then he made his way to the vergas cages completely opposite from the gargoyle cages, as the two factions often fought. Balta had so many vergas in cages that they were easily the most numerous “pets” that she had locked up. Having gone mad from being trapped in darkened cages, they were feared by every vampire in Clan Gern because they were one of the methods in which Balta executed traitors, resistance fighters, ornery cattle, and underperforming vampires. Much like Lexius was now. They would be shackled and thrown in the cage naked. Few things eat faster than a pack of starving vergas, much less when they are armed with sharpened iron claws. Lexius thought that he too might one day be executed by these nuisances if he wasn't careful

Clad in iron armor, they lanky hunchbacked savages looked like deformed knights from a distance, many a green resistance fighter have made the mistake of assuming they were actual knights, only to gaze into their open iron helmets and find the monsters within the metal armor. By then it is usually too late The Vergas are upon them, rending their flesh with their claws, and feasting on their flesh.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

03-Jan-2020 20:38:10

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lexius approached the cage. A snarling vergas armored in iron slammed into the cage door and reached his hand out to try and scratch Lexius. When he opened the cage, they all jumped on him. Lexius threw them off, easily. When they saw the door, they scrambled out eagerly. For a fresh meal was around the corner. He around fifty large cages containing hundreds of vergas.

Then he made his way to the death hounds. Playful mutts when among vampires, but they despise mortals. Black furred with massive yellow teeth, black beady eyes, tusks protruding from their mouths, razor sharp claws like daggers, and standing taller than any natural canine. They also had monstrous strength in their mouths. Able to chomp through human bone with relative ease, they were used often for hunting resistance fighters, whom they track. There were around 600 in cages.

To be attacked by a death hound was not a pretty way to die. Like wolves they hunt in packs and prefer to knock their prey to the ground, before ripping through flesh with their teeth. Many preferred to rip open the belly and feast on the intestines, others liked to go for the neck. Usually within 15 minutes, a resistance fighter can be stripped of flesh. The mutts then return to Castle Gern.

As Lexius approached them, the mutts barked happily. When he let them out they jumped on him, but within seconds began sniffing the air. They began growling “That’s right, humans, elves. Want to go hunt some?” The monstrous canine barked playfully, and panting at Lexius, until he pointed at the door, whereupon it ran out the door. Mere seconds later Lexius heard a sharp scream and it came back with a elf’s severed head in it's jaws. “No time for fetch boy, it’s time to feast!” the death hound whined. He pointed his finger out the door “ Go rend some flesh!”

He let every death hound out of their cages Eager for food, they ran out to kill and feast on elf flesh.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

03-Jan-2020 20:42:48

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