
Ten Knights in a Swamp

Quick find code: 49-50-6-63002113

Croc 2251

Croc 2251

Posts: 5,867 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I actually liked it, although it was primarily dialogue. Some of the remarks were very witty, as were the interruptions. I felt a sense of attachment to the characters without a deep description, solely based on the things they said.

I'd definitely like to see it continued. And - I caught the Sirapyro reference right off the bat too. :p

18-Jul-2011 06:05:00

YuBiusk Ink

YuBiusk Ink

Posts: 2,902 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ha! I tricked you into giving me a...well, not a real REVIEW. A...remark in passing?

Thanks for remarking, though. Yeah, description has always been my weak spot.

I think I will continue it, as soon as FaNaNoWriMo* is over.

*Failed NaNoWriMo. Got 50k in 10 days. Once I met that goal, I pretty much stopped writing. I'm aiming to complete this story by August 4.

18-Jul-2011 07:33:28 - Last edited on 18-Jul-2011 08:38:33 by YuBiusk Ink

YuBiusk Ink

YuBiusk Ink

Posts: 2,902 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And I'm working on this. Sorry about the delay. I forgot to mention that I was going camping on the 5th....
Oh, but I finished the book. :D

I will, for a fact, post the next installment tomorrow. Hopefully morning. As early as I can manage that doesn't involve me waking up earlier than normal. ;P

The installment should be about three-five posts, depending on whims and on which ends more dramatically.

11-Aug-2011 01:56:34 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2011 07:21:45 by YuBiusk Ink

YuBiusk Ink

YuBiusk Ink

Posts: 2,902 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Oh, I have to hear this.” The voice echoed against the marble walls of the temple.

A massive green dragon prostrated itself before its much smaller master. Green dragons were weaker than other dragons, Brioph knew. He was expendable. “Forgive me, master! It was an idea, no more!”

The cloaked dragonkin's eyes glowed with rage. Brioph could not see beneath his master's hood, but he had an uncanny knack for detecting anger.

That his mate had just been burned to a cinder...that was a clue, he knew.

“An idea?”

“Well...yes?” Brioph put his claws over his head. “Forgive me, master!”

Sasti was much more approachable than most of his kind. He fancied himself a very easy-going sort of fellow.

But he had his limits.

His reptilian mouth opened, and a bolt of lightning streaked out. “YOU...”

Brioph yelped as a patch of carpet next to him was reduced to a perfectly circular pile of cinders.



“I do not hold with this nonsense. You led twelve other dragons to battle against the Mahjarrat.”

Brioph nodded dumbly.



Sasti sighed. “Brioph, please tell me how many dragons came back.”


“Go on.”

“T-two. Er, three, counting me.”

Sasti was silent for a moment. Then he removed his hood. Golden eyes gazed upon Brioph.

Completely cowed, the dragon rolled over on his back. Just to show that he was EXTRA apologetic now.



“I see.* The dragonkin assumed a thoughtful expression. “Now, Brioph, be kind and tell me why you thought leading...” He made a show of examining the written report. “...twelve green dragons, only two of which—yourself and unlucky Lichen--” He gestured to the pile of ash that was once Brioph's mate. “--having any real combat experience, against a mahjarrat of significant power...why did you think this was a good idea?”


Here we go.... Sasti thought.

“It was Lichen's idea!”

11-Aug-2011 17:41:54

YuBiusk Ink

YuBiusk Ink

Posts: 2,902 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sasti rolled his eyes. “I KNOW that. That is why she is DUST. But were you not leading this expedition?”

“Um..sort of?”

“Then how did she influence your decision?”

“She...” Brioph rolled over onto his belly. “...she said we could take it, that...Enakhra. There were thirteen of us, one of it.”

“Amazing. Did she help you with that math?”

“Um...” Brioph hesitated. “Maybe?”

Sasti replaced his hood. “Brioph, I am not going to kill you.”

Brioph was visibly relieved.

“I despise the killing of our kin, even lesser beings such as yourself. I have no doubt that being more careful with your lives could have preserved the Grandfathers.”

“The whites...” Brioph whispered with reverence and sorrow.

“Indeed. Your mate died to ensure that you do not forget: Thirteen green dragons cannot kill a mahjarrat. Thirteen BLACK dragons cannot kill a mahjarrat. You're lucky to be alive. I don't want that luck getting to your head. Next time you see one of them, report back to a wiser superior. They can find a couple of my kind, or at least a contingent of dragon riders, to destroy the lich scum.”

“If the whites were around...”

“Then I've no doubt they could purge the Mahjarrat threat with ease,” Sasti said, though he lacked the dragon's confidence. “But we must make do. You may go.”

“Master...” Brioph got up awkwardly. “We're winning, right?”

“We are.” Sasti said. Brioph could not detect any conviction in the dragonkin's voice. “The humans aren't even worth worrying about, and the Mahjarrat...are powerful, perhaps, but their very nature does not allow them to cooperate. All we need to do is block the next Ritual...”


“Brioph.” Sasti coughed pointedly. “Did I not give you leave to go?”

“Oh! Right! Goodbye, master!” Brioph bowed, backing out of the chamber. “Thank you, master!”

Sasti waited for the doors to slam shut. “Just a few weeks...” he muttered to...something. “Then we will be safe. Then we can rule.”

11-Aug-2011 17:44:09

YuBiusk Ink

YuBiusk Ink

Posts: 2,902 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
<Two Years Earlier....>

Ermine the swordswoman smiled as her rapier pierced the heart of the black demon. “And now who's the upstart?”

The evil creature collapsed and turned to dust. Ermine reached into her pack and procured a dust pan, a small broom and a pouch. She began collecting the ashes, whistling an ominous tune.

Some said you couldn't make a profit in the Wilderness anymore. Now that those chinchomping idiots got the revenants woken up, the place was 'too dangerous'.

Ermine had a news flash for those fools. The Wilderness had always been dangerous. One could even argue it was SAFER with the revenants. The highwaymen were things of the past. None dared travel the wasteland in small groups with the revenants about.

Except Ermine.

The Wilderness was a nice place, really, once you got to know it. No jarring conversation, near-free of filth...and most creatures she killed didn't even leave a spatter of blood. Unless she was too slow.

A nice place. Comforting.

And it was easy to make a profit. The ashes black demons dropped were worth a small fortune per gram. If you knew how to kill the things, you could get rich quick.

Ermine paused. “Well, isn't that odd?” she remarked to a nearby goblin revenant.

The spirit hissed, making sure to stay out of her reach. It hadn't forgotten its last encounter with the swordswoman.

Ermine picked up from the dust pan a strange little orb, about the size of her fist. It looked...bizarre. Something about it felt reptilian, but she couldn't place what. And it radiated power.

Ermine hated it when mages said stuff like that. It'd always struck her as elitist garbage. “'Ah, yes,'” she muttered in a squeaky voice, “'this is a great artifact! It radiates power! Give me ten gold for it?'”

But this genuinely did radiate some sort of magic. She couldn't tell what...but it felt...odd. Dangerous?


And within its tiny prison, her cellmate smiled.

11-Aug-2011 17:46:31

YuBiusk Ink

YuBiusk Ink

Posts: 2,902 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Admit it,” Captain Vility growled, “we're lost.”

“Hm?” Sir Kamvent turned.

The comment had come pretty much out of the blue.

“We aren't lost,” Sir Apiro said. “I know exactly where we're going.”

“Then why have we been going for hours without a word from you?”

Apiro turned, glowering. “Because,” he snapped, “I have better things to do than pause every ten minutes to reassure the Saradominists. We're almost to Lumbridge, so PLEASE just...keep it down.”

“Fine,” Vility muttered.

There was a brief period of silence. Very brief.

“Why do we have to keep quiet?” the captain asked. “Is it a concentration thing?”

Apiro turned back. “NO. I just--”

“He has a point,” commented Urhney. “Why?”

Apiro's hand rested on his knife as he wrestled with temptation. “I it...QUIET.” He turned away.

“You know what I think?” Urhney asked.

“I'm happy to say I do n--”

“I think you're scared.”

Apiro clenched the hilt of his favorite dagger. “I am NOT--” He stopped. “Hang on.” The Kinshra knight turned. “What in the Abyss are YOU doing here?”


Vility blinked. “What're you on about, Apiro?”

“SIR Apiro,” Apiro said reflexively.

Kamvent frowned. “He's right. Didn't we mean to leave you at the campfire?”

Urhney's eyes darted from side to side. He cleared his throat. “Well...”

11-Aug-2011 17:48:08

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