“Oh, I have to hear this.” The voice echoed against the marble walls of the temple.
A massive green dragon prostrated itself before its much smaller master. Green dragons were weaker than other dragons, Brioph knew. He was expendable. “Forgive me, master! It was an idea, no more!”
The cloaked dragonkin's eyes glowed with rage. Brioph could not see beneath his master's hood, but he had an uncanny knack for detecting anger.
That his mate had just been burned to a cinder...that was a clue, he knew.
“An idea?”
“Well...yes?” Brioph put his claws over his head. “Forgive me, master!”
Sasti was much more approachable than most of his kind. He fancied himself a very easy-going sort of fellow.
But he had his limits.
His reptilian mouth opened, and a bolt of lightning streaked out. “YOU...”
Brioph yelped as a patch of carpet next to him was reduced to a perfectly circular pile of cinders.
“I do not hold with this nonsense. You led twelve other dragons to battle against the Mahjarrat.”
Brioph nodded dumbly.
Sasti sighed. “Brioph, please tell me how many dragons came back.”
“Go on.”
“T-two. Er, three, counting me.”
Sasti was silent for a moment. Then he removed his hood. Golden eyes gazed upon Brioph.
Completely cowed, the dragon rolled over on his back. Just to show that he was EXTRA apologetic now.
“I see.* The dragonkin assumed a thoughtful expression. “Now, Brioph, be kind and tell me why you thought leading...” He made a show of examining the written report. “...twelve green dragons, only two of which—yourself and unlucky Lichen--” He gestured to the pile of ash that was once Brioph's mate. “--having any real combat experience, against a mahjarrat of significant power...why did you think this was a good idea?”
Here we go.... Sasti thought.
“It was Lichen's idea!”
11-Aug-2011 17:41:54