
Nooby and the City of Secrets

Quick find code: 49-50-564-60198046

Jun Member 2022


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The scab chapters are BACK!
After months of waiting for a scab chapter (meh, maybe 2 months?) we are back, and here is why we were gone...
~~Scab edition chapter five~~
*Nooby is on the computer*
Nooby - Woah, that is awesome!
Ice - What?
Nooby - Well, there are these things called RSMV's or Runescape Music Videos, and I have I could have a go at it.
Ice - Hmmm, that may not be a bad idea, what do you need for it?
Nooby - Well from what I can tell, I need to complete The Great Brain Robbery for an emote book, save 500K for a Black Cavalier hat, get some skillcapes from level one everything, get 94 magic for cool lunar spells such as vengeance for emotes, get 500 tracks for air guitar to use in solos of songs and show myself doing that emote at different angles and make myself a cool look, make myself a YouTube channel, get an Icon and Background in photoshop costing roughly $90, get Fraps or Camtasia screen recorders, both costing money and get Sony Vegas for $500. Seems simple enough right?
Ice - *head explodes*
Nooberella - That doesnt explain anything to do with why the scab chapters havn't been happening Tom! What has this got to do with you staying on your lazy butt, not even motivated enough to write a few words?
Tom - You do realise these are my chapters and I can write you off as easily as I wrote you in?
Nooberella - Yes bu-
Tom - Then shut up, unless you want to be cancelled from these chapters forever...
Nooberella - Sorry! *Whispers* It's not like i've been in this before anyway...
Tom - WHAT?
Nooberella - Nothing!
Dedicated to keep you entertained while the real ( and much worse ) editions in the making;
~~~ Nooby, the Scab edition ~~~

03-Dec-2010 16:20:24 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2010 16:27:06 by Caedo



Posts: 2,619 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
--Scab Chapter--Darkrose826 Edition---
Ice - Nooby! I found something!
-Ice Runs into Nooby's dorm-
Nooby - What???!?!?!????!!!!!!?!?!?!
Ice - I Found a Teletab!
Nooby - Cool! How does it taste?
Ice - Be Serious! The markings have been chipped away so we don't know where it might take us to!
Nooby - Okie-Dokey! Now can you get me some butter and a frying pan? Ill start a fire so we can eat that baby!
Ice - Nooby! This could make us rich! Just think, We go to a new place where no one has been before, we bring back some junk, we sell it to make millions, and i get Nooberela! I mean... Uh.... Err.... Just forget what i said okay?
-Nooby is staring off into the distance-
Ice - Nooby, Hmm.... There will be food if you come!
Nooby - FOOOOOOD! Let's go!
Ice - Take hold of it like i am okay?
-Nooby does that-
-Nooberela and Noobio walk into the room and close the door-
Nooberela - What are you guys doing?
-Nooby and Ice drop the Teletab to scratch their heads to think of an excuse-
Ice - Well.... Uh... OH NO THE TELE.....
-the Teletab shatters and everyone in the room somehow disappears with it-
Ice - Where are we?
Nooby - Looks like we are in Varrock! Nice going Ice! Your buying me a chocolate bar!
??? - Did you say... Chocolate?
-??? attacks Nooby-
??? - Gimmie!!!
????? - Nincompoop! Let him go!
??? - But Pamela!!! He has chocolate!
Nooby - No i don't!
??? - If i tell you, will you give me chocolate?
????? - Ugh, I'm Pamela, That's Nincompoop.
Nincompoop - Gimmie Da Chocolate!
???? - Guys! We might know how to get rid of June!
Pamela - That's what we are finding out Carl!
Nooberela - I'm Nooberela, That's Ice, That's Noobio, And that's Nooby. Who are you other people?
??????? - I'm Carl!
???? ?? - I'm Xien
????? - I'm Muckery
????????? - I'm Anoobus

05-Dec-2010 17:07:12 - Last edited on 05-Dec-2010 17:11:29 by Darkrose826



Posts: 2,619 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
???? - I'm Jane
?????? - I'm Evan
???? - I'm Guy
????? - And I'm Nafyyyyy!

Will this Scab Series continue? Will I keep Writing Scabs? Will anyone ever find out Carl is a dragon?
Dedicated to: Nincompoop Noob! The 3rd --- QFC: 49-50-315-60932935

05-Dec-2010 17:10:07 - Last edited on 05-Dec-2010 17:11:04 by Darkrose826

Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Posts: 3,732 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 15a – The Office
(Geo is leading Nooby towards Puttoc’s office)
Nooby – Follow the leader leader leader, follow the leader!
Geo – Nooby, there has just been an attack! Shouldn’t you be a little more serious?
Nooby – Yes, like wondering where Ricky Gervais is…
Geo * I meant more like trying to come up with an explanation for Puttoc, his office is just up that staircase, it’s your first door that you see.
Nooby – Is it on the left or right?
Geo – There is only one door.
Nooby – Wait, is that my left or your left?
Geo – Why would it be my left?! Puttoc is the one that’s up there!
Nooby – So it’s his left?
Geo – It’s nobodys left! There is one door!
Nooby – One door? But you said that it was on my right :(
Geo – It’s not on your right, IT’S ON YOUR LEFT!!! Wait, no! There is no right or left!!
Nooby – But I’m right handed… does this mean I’m no handed? AHHH! I HAVE NO HANDS!!!
Geo – Just go!
Nooby – Could you show me?
Geo – But then I’d have to go upstairs, and there isn’t the room…
Nooby – Fine, I think I can manage.
Geo – No, it’s okay, I can show you.
Nooby – Naw, it’s fine.
Geo – No, I want to show you.
Nooby – No.
Nooby – Whatever you say :)
(They go up the stairs, and Nooby walks into Puttoc’s office, Nooby can see many strange things, a bird, books, and the…)
(Lightning and Dramatic Music)
(Nooby Puts the Cape on)
Nooby – Hiya Sorting Cape :)
(Lightning and Dramatic Music)
Cape – Not you again :(
Nooby – People say that to me a lot, is it some form of greeting?
Cape – Yes…
Nooby * That makes sense, Imagine people not liking me? :D
Cape – I know. Impossible.
Nooby – So how is show business working out for you?
Cape – Not very good, I was going to go to an audition, but then I remembered I’m a cape and can’t walk :(
Nooby – Tough look.
Cape – It’s nice to finally have someone to talk to-
Nooby –Oooh! Birdy! (He throws of the cape)

05-Dec-2010 22:55:00 - Last edited on 14-Dec-2010 22:41:10 by Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Posts: 3,732 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 15b - The Office
Nooby – Hiya Birdy!... Not a talker eh?... :/… Talk… Please… Come-on…. Polly want a cracker?... Do you have a cracker?... Can I have a cracker?... UGH! You don’t have cracker! I don’t have a cracker! Why don’t you just lie down and die! (The bird bursts into flames)
Nooby – I said lie down, not spontaneously combust :/
(Puttoc walks in)
Nooby – Not you again :(
Puttoc – Beg your pardon?
Nooby – Well sir, I just killed your bird. Wait, that did*’t come out right.
Puttoc – YOU KILLED HIM? Are you sure he’s not just resting?
Nooby – No he’s dead.
Puttoc – He could just be pinin’ for the forest
Nooby – No. He’s dead. This bird is gone, past away, kicked the bucket, if you’d have buried it it would be pushing up daisies! This, is an ex-parrot.
Puttoc – No Nooby, it’s not a parrot, it’s a Phoenix, look, it’s being born again.
(It is being born again)
Puttoc – My precious Spoons :) Anyway, back to why you’re really here.
Nooby – Ah yes, that matter. I’m here to complain about your tour guide. He point blank refused to take me up here when I insisted on it.
Puttoc – What? I mean the attack!
Nooby – Oh Yeah :)
Puttoc – Now, I don’t believe that you did it, but is there anything you want to tell me?
Nooby – Well, you see I*** got this rash-
Puttoc – About the attacks. :|
Nooby’s mind – Well, I may be a descendent of the dark lord who wants to kill me, talk about family feuds, I should probably tell Puttoc*
Nooby – Nope :D
Hope you liked it :) Find out what happens next, on Nooby and the City of Secrets :)

05-Dec-2010 22:56:56 - Last edited on 14-Dec-2010 22:41:21 by Snakus Viper

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