
Sail of the Sea Banshee

Quick find code: 49-50-563-66185702

YuBiusk Ink

YuBiusk Ink

Posts: 2,888 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Havoc's head tilts in deep thought as Captain Otodus outlines the terms. They open their mouth, about to voice their concerns about the eastern way—but Otodus preempts them by himself acknowledging what Havoc has calculated about the ship's provisions.

They give a little laugh when the options have been outlined. "Well, I'm not much of a fighter, especial not against sea fairies, an' I don't reckon any one ship against three without at least two tricks to even the oddness. Besides, who's to say we'd be in any shape to handle what's left of the elves and armada after?"

They take a deep breath, running a hand through their hair. "I've not been to the Shoals, but I know shallow waters, and I know hidin' from the handsaws better than facin' them. I vote we make for Trader's Bay."

28-Oct-2020 02:42:40 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2020 02:45:57 by YuBiusk Ink

Own Amnesty

Own Amnesty

Posts: 21,305 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I as well," called Ulysses from above, making his way down from the crow's nest. With his feet on the deck and a glance at the crew of misfits he continued, "I'd say evasion is our best bet. I've left my swords behind, anyway."

Bracing himself against one mast as the boat rocked gently, Ulysses shuddered at the thought of facing the royal armada. In all likelihood, word of his near-capture in the last port would have spread by now. If they found him, they would probably take him alive, but the rest of Otodus' crew would surely face a fate much more grim.

"At least if the Sea Elves take us, we'll all suffer together," he noted, and chuckled, and realized he had likely said too much.
Joe? It's your post on Hard Times.

28-Oct-2020 02:57:30



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A majority of the initial work had been Aia’s doing, but from that point on it was not hers to do. A ship needed a crew for a reason, and allowing them to not do their jobs was a recipe for disaster. She wouldn’t die, of course, but generally it was best to avoid relying on finding a new crew at every port. They all had their roles, and as the ship sailed out she left it to them to fill them.

Yet it seemed the fates were not ones to leave them to a simple existence of sailing, for their harbinger appeared in the form of the messenger bird. It did not take much to see when things were wrong, but this was too early into the voyage for her to see this look on the captain’s face. His subsequent reaction once all were gathered was a bit uncharacteristic as well, and her appraisal of the situation was not exactly a positive one.

I dislike placing myself in a position where we may become trapped, and a port has only one way out once we are docked.
" was her opinion, her ethereal form seated on the railing, facing out towards the sea. "
If I am to choose between a single Moonsail vessel and three of the admiral’s fleet, then the admiral’s fleet is much easier prey. Should we surprise them, the advantage will likely be ours.

" she added, turning to glance briefly at Ulysses, to at least let him know she had heard the slightly suspicious comment that he had said, "
I doubt they will give up the hunt, so it may be best to deal with them now while we may still gain the upper hand.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

28-Oct-2020 03:05:41

Own Amnesty

Own Amnesty

Posts: 21,305 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Although he smiled at Havoc's offhand comment about his impending wedding, at the appearance of the spirit Aia on the rail, the color left Ulysses' face. He gripped the mast a bit tighter.

"Aye, if they're on our tail already we're unlikely to lose 'em," conceded the fugitive, "but I still don't like those odds. And if the captain don't feel right facing the Moonsails then neither do I."
Joe? It's your post on Hard Times.

28-Oct-2020 04:16:11 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2020 04:18:55 by Own Amnesty

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Hanxi spent his night shift with diligent meditation, mind flowing like waves. Memories of the temple and home rippled like some mysterious board game as images of a dreadful beast--the one who killed Father--lurked in the depths. Perhaps the beast had a visitor, perhaps not.

* * *

The time came of warning--half a day away, three sides, the admiral’s fleet, plus reinforcements ahead waiting for them and an intercepting set of sea elves. Quite unfortunate indeed. Fewer options--east and suffer attrition, or risk sneaking past the pursuers.

Hanxi appeared amidst discussions. Annie wanted the safest way, whichever way that was. Havoc and Ulysses voted Trader’s Bay. Aia voted ambushing the admiral’s fleet--she probably had beneficial qualities for such an endeavor.

Upon noticing her voice, Hanxi placed a fist into a palm, held them before himself, and slightly bowed towards Aia. “Ná mó emítuófó.”

Hanxi imagined that the admiral’s fleet, the Sea Banshee, and the Moonsails engaged all at once and, before the chaos, seek an advantage through diplomacy with fellow humans. However, with only one possible vote for that option, it would not happen.

“If we cannot win, we must not fight unless in desperation for life. On a difficult path, we push on towards Trader's Bay and allow our pursuers the chase with hopes they misalign their paths--what they intend may be our means to influence them. If possible, perhaps we build a folly vessel mounted with torch and long fuse leading to spare black powder and quicklime, release it behind us or along current during night time in hopes to fool pursuers. Once torch attracts attention, they fire upon it. Once fire ignites powder, smoke may trick pursuers into believing they sunk us.” Hanxi looked up. “Can ghostly woman catch homing pigeons or the whispering bird envelope them inside beak? If so, we may replace letters with false information. We must focus on unfathomable initiatives.”

28-Oct-2020 04:57:42 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2020 05:20:31 by Azi Demonica

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Grim-faced the dwarf thought over their options once Otodus gave them the situation, albeit none of them were particularly appealing. The admiral's fleet after them? He supposed it should come as no surprise, the infamous Captain Otodus must have been wanted by a great many people. Sea Elves? Hraldmir's blood boiled at the very thought of fleeing from the long eared pixies! However, the captain's evident caution about the Moonsails was not something to be dismissed - he'd been at this longer than the dwarf had, after all. Attempting to sneak by and dock before the armada noticed them? Highly risky, but potential for great rewards should they be unnoticed.

The voting began to split - two for the shallows, three if you counted the extended mutterings of the foreign masked man, while Aia selected them to turn and face their pursuers. The child said only she wanted what was safest - which none of the options were, if Hraldmir was reading them right. Two guaranteed a fight, the third had the potential for one - and more dangers besides.

" I've half a mind ta' have those elves' last sight by the shine of my axe, " He said, his expression twisted into a scowl at the thought of the immortal reavers. It dropped shortly thereafter, the dwarf turning his insightful gaze upon the amassed crew - considering them with careful attention, particularly those he thought of as either practical noncombatants or unprepared fighters; the surgeon, the unarmed man from the crow's nest and, of course, the child. " But even I don't like the odds if they're as much a terror as you say. "

Hraldmir considered the chances of escape into the shoals but found it unsatisfactory - shallows, half-beasts and still the chance of pursuit with the element of surprise no longer with them? It was a riskier proposition than his final decision.

" I say turnabout ta' face the fleet - Aia has the right of it, surprise hands us the better odds, and I don't see them expecting it. "
I am Inferi.

28-Oct-2020 13:23:36

Apr Member 2016


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Sin's gaze flicks between each person as they speak, her curiosity piqued by the mention of sea elves. She looks down at her blade thoughtfully, weighing the pros and cons of each option in her mind. Finally, a flicker of irritation runs over her expression momentarily as Hraldmir speaks, only to close her eyes and nod in agreement with him - sheathing her slender blade.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

28-Oct-2020 14:49:25

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