I changed the qualifications and submissions necessary for entry slightly from the original to make it more comprehensive and therefore more indicative of the author's talent. It worked well for the last thread, so they'll stay.
Application Form:
Name you'd like to be called:
Stories that are best examples of your talent:
Estimated Number of STORY Posts on said story: MUST BE MORE THAN 10!
Reason I should Accept you: (make it good)
Time on Forums (Months, years, etc.):
Time Spent Writing (Outside of forums, months, years, etc.):
And remember: Even though I stress that acceptance is difficult, do not assume this means you shouldn't apply. You won't know unless you try.
In addition to this application, you will need to write a short story of 4,000 characters or less. (This is exactly two posts) I will not accept anything more, and your application will be ignored, until the week passes and you decide to re-apply.
The genre for the above story is of your own choice, and poetry is also accepted.
Tips and Guidelines
- Be aware that all asterisk'd out words count against you. And I will not tolerate big ugly (c) things in a work this small, unless it just absolutely cannot be avoided, in which case, I'll allow it. (Single letters, like an s, aren't going to detract.)
- As previously stated, it MUST be under 4,000 chars. And if that requires a 3rd post, you need to prove to me that the first two are within the 4,000 limit.
- It MUST be original.
- Every new application (even re-applicants) must have a NEW 4,000 char short.
- Be aware that I have written a sample 4,000 char short on page 2, in case you're unsure of what one could look like.
- All 4,000 character short story submissions MUST be not only entirely original, but edited and proofread solely by the author. No other aid is to be given.
- This guild and posting privileges are to be solely used by the members. This means any non-members may not post without first having posted a complete application.
17-Apr-2010 20:06:18
- Last edited on
17-Apr-2010 20:23:44
A White Wolf