I might read it if I can find any free-time. That's *if*.
The whole idea of apprenticing a criminal has sparked my interest lately, which anyone who has read my story would know.
Anyway, I can't remember a time when I actually started a story that was farther along than two or three posts for entertainment purposes (not reviewing). Let's see if I actually read it. Yay!
I'll be sure to comment when I do.
I just finished Chapter 3, and so far it's very good. Vastly superior to any of my stories to be sure. I know that you didn't ask for any advice, but I'll give some anyway, because I like pretending to know more than I actually do
: Don't rush yourself to finish this. I was very active on the forums about a year and a half ago, I had a fairly succesful series plus some assorted short stories. Long story short, I didn't have enough time to keep up with it all. I quit the forums. However, now I'm back and I have the time and energy to write again. Sometimes you need an extended break.
01-Apr-2011 07:54:20
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01-Apr-2011 07:54:37