
The Thief's Apprentice.

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Chapter 9
Finding an Empty Feeling.
The hollow streets of Dras' Vorgin seemed endless. Paths trailed off to very direction, making the large city into a maze that would create stress for the newcomers. The streets seemed quiet and empty, with only a few occupied by peasants and noblemen alike. Scraps of junk littered the ground and the white sand that was the foundation of the city was now a large epidemic waiting to happen. The smell of human waste surrounded the city, due to the plumbing disaster that destroyed it's water ways out of the city. The apartments that towered high into the sky were burned and ransacked with glass windows broken and walls missing. The city's vast gardens of flowers and trees were dead and appeared as nothing but forgotten memories. The city itself, seemed nothing but a lost cause. A dead world that was at it's height of supreme, only to fall to an unknown force.
Star sprinted as fast as she could after Nathan and Neiko but they seemed to be wolves, slowly outrunning her. Neiko led the way, with Nathan following behind her carrying a sack of instruments of their survival. Their cloaks seemed to fly through the streets as ghosts and their boots creating crunching sounds from the sand. Star's hair flew behind her in a mess and her feet felt heavy. The sand didn't allow her to follow and soon she lost her friends after a sharp turn. She stopped in the middle of the street with six different directions. This was the first time she felt lonely since Qualimin and she looked around in desperation for Nathan or Neiko. The walls of the buildings seemed tight, and there was very little sun shining in. Suddenly a small movement appeared from the left of her. The alley was too dark to see who it was but she was too afraid to move. The figure had a large robe over itself and continued to approach her. No sound seemed to exist, but the small crunch .. crunch coming from the figure's feet.

14-Feb-2010 21:20:47 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2010 21:28:15 by Levente



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“Hello my sweetie” croaked the figure. He let down his hood to reveal an old disfigured man. He had a savage look upon him, and continued to stare at Star. His mouth housed full of black and broken teeth with fat tongue. His eyes had the look of a devils, with their blackness that seemed to paralyze Star in her spot. The man grabbed for her, only to stop at the last moment. He took two small steps back and then fell to the ground. An arrow shaft was implanted into his right shoulder with small traces of blood pooling out. Off in the distance Nathan ran towards her. Neiko was behind him with a small bow of an interesting color in her hand. Nathan ran up to Star, who hadn't moved, and picked her up with his left arm. Heavily he carried both Star and a sack for nearly four blocks before he stopped and placed them both down, carefully.
“I'm not as young as I used to be ..” Nathan breathed heavily. Star still seemed paralyzed by the fact of a man who tried to kidnap her. She hadn't realized this feeling until she looked at Nathan once more. Then in an anger fury, she walked away.
“Star!” cried Neiko. She rushed to her and stopped her from advancing more. “We need to stay together, this city is very big and we can lose each other for days, which we don't have.” Star looked away from Neiko.

After ten minutes of sitting down, they got up and continued. Neiko held Star's hand, while Nathan followed behind. They continued through the maze of Dras' Vorgin and after about half an hour of running they came to a clearing. The scenery was a troubling one. Dras' Vorgin was known for it's architecture as well as it's location but one thing that a lot of people didn't know about was it's agriculture foundation. Dras' Vorgin was built heavily on the outside, with towering guard posts and a large thick marble wall. The buildings also had some military design to it also, with huge apartment levels that would allow guards to be posted on top of, to see the view.

14-Feb-2010 21:20:52 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2010 21:22:18 by Levente



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Inside the city, was a large garden wonder that supplied food for the citizens. Most farms were located outside of the city to prevent roots of the vegetation from harming the city but here, gardeners and farmers worked together and watched the steady growth of the plants. One of the key aspects to plant life here in Dras Vorgin was the controlled environment. The farm land wasn't guard from thieves or peasants due to the plentifulness of food in the city, even peasants ate hearty but now all of it changed.
Dead corpses of fruit trees hung all around the fields. Untreated soil quickly turned back to sand and it became unfertilized for plant life. The large fields of beets, cabbages, wheat, and barley lay bare with only the plants stuck together like glue. Large waterways and trenches were spread around the field to be used for irrigation. Some plants who were sun sensitive were placed in large houses with a clear metal on top that awed many new travelers. Every design was built with heavy thinking first, slowly establishing one of the most richest cities ever. Looking at the huge difference, since the time Neiko last saw this city to now, almost wished for her to never come back.
“Which way now?" asked Nathan looking around.
“This way. We should walk from here on, it is quite hot with the buildings to shade us.” replied Neiko. They walked across a stone bridge which housed a large trench below. The trench seemed to go for miles and spread out in other directions. The Watergate was severely damaged and with no one to repair it, no water flowed through. The large crunching of the boots scared a few birds off in the distance. Neiko looked hard but the bright light coming from the sun, overpowered her. Vultures she whispered to herself, when she saw their shadow.
“Neiko, what is place used for?” asked Star.

14-Feb-2010 21:20:58 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2010 21:29:42 by Levente



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Neiko still held Star's hand for fear of losing her again. “This place was used for agriculture and helped to feed the people of the city. Judging from the dark black marks from the ground, it looks like this place was burned.”
“Burned, why would that happen?” asked Nathan.
“What's the first strategy when creating a siege? Destroy the food supply. We'll whoever planned this dance out, surely had the step by step written down before the festival began. For all I know, this is mass murder.”
“Do you think it was the Shadow Seekers?”
“Only thing I can think of. Blafor was quite scared when he told us the tale of Dras' Vorgin's demise. Many people still are, after hearing the old legend. Still I do not understand how they still exist after all this time, and why they continue the hunt. Funny thing is, Dras Vorgin is too far and unlikely place for the hunt.”
Nathan knew what Neiko meant, when she referred to 'the hunt.' He had heard the story many a times, and even seen the world change due to those two words. The scary thing was 'the hunt' was slowly coming south towards Qualimin and Fleminas the two cities that he felt at home.
“What is that, Neiko?” The quietness that surrounded them, was broken and Neiko felt a small tug from her shirt. Star looked at her, with her big blue eyes and Neiko saw that she wasn't only interested in the past, she was also interested about her future. Neiko thought upon the question for a small time and finally decided that today was not the day that she should be told. “Not today, Star. We must pick up the pace.”

“Easier for you.” grumbled Nathan behind them.

~ ~ ~
A dark house loomed in the distance with a mystery forecast around it. The house sat on a large foundation with a metal gate around it.

14-Feb-2010 21:21:04 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2010 21:28:29 by Levente



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The plants that would live on the property have long been dead and there was nothing left but the sand of the desert. The house was a two story manor, with six room in total only to be owned by one person. The owner was rarely seen but on a few occasion the king's mystics would come to this house to speak about the past, for the people knew who lived there.
An old man stood in an empty room next to a window, staring out of it. The lose of everything that he has worked for, has taken a stressful and even life threating toll on him. His face was characterized with sadness and depression for the future. He had a long face with a very skinny appearance with it. He wore a long robe that had once been milk white, only now it was dirty and gray. The old man had warm eyes, with wrinkles and little white hair on his head, the typical look for an aged grandfather. Though his sons and daughters left him long ago, forgetting him in the passage of life, he has never considered depression to be a state of mind in which he would follow. This however, has finally lead him to the bottom of which he feared would never happen. 'Opportunity rises only for the worthy.' This was the quote he has always believed in, and this is why he has always prevailed through the darkness. Somehow, there was an empty feeling upon him. One that he may never face, or will face for time to come.
The man turned from the window and was ready to return to his study room only to stop upon hearing a loud creaking noise from outside. Since the city was deserted, the quiet has conquered and small sounds could be heard causing him to stop and listen. “This way ..” Again another sound. What could it be? He walked to the window once more, and peered down. Two companion and one little girl seemed to be walking towards the house. Two unusual people they were, the girl had a pinkish hair and held onto the little girl who seemed to be about eleven or twelve years old.

14-Feb-2010 21:21:11 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2010 21:25:54 by Levente



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While the man, carried a bag of supplies over his shoulder, but what caught the eye of the old man was the blade that was around his waist. What is next on the list, he thought.
~ ~ ~
“How do you know if Kenta didn't leave the city with the rest of the people?” asked Nathan, trying hard to keep up with Neiko. She held onto Star's hand very firmly and did not show any fear in the passage up ahead.
“It's a gamble we must take.” Neiko replied over her shoulders.
The front of the house looked as if a mob came through and tore everything apart. The large front doors were hanging by their hinges, revealing a empty dark house. They walked up the five steps and stopped in front of the door. 'Moment of truth,' thought Nathan. Nei(e)ko carefully pushed one of the doors and emptied the house. The house was dark due to the bed sheets that were hung over the windows. Dust mites already seemed to make this their new home and had been living here comfortably for sometime now. The air was stall, as if it was a tomb. Was it not for the shuffling of feet on the head of the stairs, Nathan would believe the house was dead along with the owner. Nathan looked up the stairs and then immediately saw a glint of curved metal. Nathan dropped the sack of supplies and pulled out his crozier ready to defend himself. Instead of Neiko doing the same with her weapon, she let go of Star and as if in a trans she began to walk up the stairs slowly. The figure at the top did not move or even seem to be alive much less. Then it dropped the weapon and as Neiko approached it, he hugged her and began to sob. Nathan now understood.
Nathan looked away from them, and motioned Star to follow him outside. He left his supplies on the ground inside the house and sat down on the front steps of the house. The air seemed quiet and smooth, with no wind but heavy heat.

14-Feb-2010 21:21:17 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2010 21:30:07 by Levente



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Nathan looked at Star and still saw the baked Star roasting under the hot sun. She stared at the world, looking at the many wonders. He smiled.

'One day, you will make a fine apprentice,' thought Nathan. 'Maybe questing for this nonsense is useless,' Nathan continued to think. 'Even if the world is after Star, maybe there was a place somewhere far enough to be at peace from the world. No .. they have already gone too far.' The death of Hurst, the blinding of Claire, the attempt on Star's life stilled hurt Nathan inside, but this wasn't the interesting part. Nathan never felt these emotions before, and upon feeling them for the first time, he overreacted and became to feel weak on the subject of Star's future. This is truly one of the many adventures, I wish I never had, he thought.
A small creak came from behind them, and Nathan and Star turned around. There in the doorway was the pretty Neiko, holding the door for them. As Nathan and Star got up, Neiko opened the door widely but then suddenly it fell to the ground with a heavy slam. Neiko, standing there stunned looked at Nathan and grinned in a guilty way.
They walked up the staircase and went down the corridor. There was little light, so Star grabbed Nathan's hand and held onto it tightly. Neiko's faint silvery shadow appeared to know the way, so Nathan followed her. At the end of the corridor, light seemed to dance originating from the bottom of a door. Neiko walked towards it and slowly opened it, illuminating a bright golden light. The door was spectacular, something from castles with a cross of a library. Large bookcases seemed to cover the walls, made in a teak colored wood. There seemed to be hundreds of books, each with different colored bindings, both new and old. The floor was covered with a large carpet of a fine red design, with a large table at the end of the room. The desk was faced towards the door and a small man sat behind it.

14-Feb-2010 21:21:23 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2010 21:26:41 by Levente



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Candles were lit everywhere, and the bright golden light seemed to dance on every wall of the room. A large painting was hung next to the window, behind the desk where the old man was sitting, of a large naval vessel saying through a storm. But all these things in the room, didn't compare to the most interesting piece of them all. A magnificent orange bird, with dark blue eyes sat on a bird perch next to the owner. It's huge, muscular body could probably carry Star and fly away with her.
“Come in come in, my friends.” welcomed the old man, as if inviting some company he was expecting. Nathan walked in with Star, while Nei(e)ko closed the door. The old man got up from his chair and walked over to Nathan with outstretched hands. He shook Nathans hands and then said. “My friend, I am Kenta.”
“Nathan Corway, sir.”
“Ahh pleasure to meet you, Nathan. And who is this?” asked Kenta, looking at Star.
Star being shy, usually stepped back but this time she outstretched her hand like Nathan did and replied with her name. “Star.”
“Well, welcome my child.” replied Kenta, with a warm smile. “Now I must apologize to you all, for my behavior earlier but this heaviness has been slowly building inside of me and upon seeing my good friend, Neiko, I lost my emotion. Times are tough as it is.”
“It is fine,” replied Neiko. “Having to suffer in public is great courage, and many do not have the valor to do so.” Kenta moved back to his desk and sat down on the chair. He looked em brassed due to the fact of not offering a chair to sit on for Neiko, Nathan and Star, but they did not say anything knowing better than to ask.
“I have always loved this room, Kenta. I'm glad that you have decided to keep it this way.” Neiko sighed.
“It is not I, but the tax collectors. Damn their filthy hides, for ages I have given clarity and donations but right when you ask them for help, they treat you like a stray dog.

14-Feb-2010 21:21:29 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2010 21:30:24 by Levente



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Epically that little rodent Merlock, I would pay my hand for a hour with him. I'll kill that little weasel for taking my perilous items.” growled Kenta as he sat down behind his desk. “Now don't allow my troubles to trouble you in return, tell me what do you need help with?”
Neiko bit her lips and didn't reply for a minute. Nathan saw that she was trying to reword the question but they all lead to the same path. The path of secrets and not many people wished to venture to the unknown so boldly. “Kenta .. I need you to translate the Ancient Language to us.” said Nei(e)ko.
Kenta thought about what he heard and then finally came to the conclusion that he needed to receive something in return. He smiled devilishly. “Alright, but you need to help me out of this doomed city. You seemed to find a way in, now find a way out for me. Only then will I help you translate whatever needs to be translated.” Nathan saw this trickery coming, so he took a step forward. He made sure that Kenta saw the crozier sheathed around him and then looked hard into his eyes. Kenta merely smiled back.
“Do you think I was not a young man too? Threats and bargains do not matter to me now, I have told you what I want and if you do not accept it then use the door you came in from.” threatened Kenta. He looked first at Nathan with a furious expression and then back at Neiko. Neiko nodded slowly, accepting the deal. She knew that, there was no other than Kenta to help them and even if there was finding them before the Shadow Seekers was next to impossible.

14-Feb-2010 21:27:21 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2010 21:30:40 by Levente



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There was a short pause in silence and then a large falling sound came from behind them. Star lay on the ground with a dozen books spread out around her and dust covering her head. Nathan grinned at her and then felt the blood go to his face in embarrassment..
“Well, a deals to begin and I must prepare for it. As I see your daughter here has found the books I need. Meet me in front of the West Wall Bank. I shall be waiting.” Kenta raised his hand towards the door, and they left without another word waiting for tonight.

14-Feb-2010 21:27:28

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