|Know..................................<----- Aren't I a pain in the rear end?
|You ..............................................................................|
|Stoled ..........................................................................|
Anyways, nice writing Windy, for all the people out there, her real name is (the content of this message has been blocked) so now you can stalk the hell out of her
Great story, got halfway throughish I'll finish it up later.
28-Jan-2010 01:59:05
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28-Jan-2010 02:04:32
So Wind, Oh sweet Wind, Oh wonderful Wind, Will you let me write a chapter in your story? it goes like this. This girl named Skizbe falls in love with this guy named Hawt, and they get married, have 15 kids, 2 sets of twins, 1 set of triplets, 8 boys, 7 girls. And thats about it... ftw right?