Soapalope here. Logging onto the forums on this one seeing as I've got a permamute for unknown reasons. Had some good times here, was great to be mentioned.
D F Angel
Mod Mark H began his speech, but was immediately interrupted by the entrance of Blue Serval, who took over the funeral in order to let everyone know that her homework was stressful, and that she was also from Hawaii, in case you'd forgotten. Hive Queen A made a derisive comment at the woman, and a cat-fight nearly ensued, until the Hive Queen insisted on explaining the complexities of Combat Roleplaying before they began, and Blue Serval decided to off herself instead.
Technically, I'm not
Hawaii. Although I can confirm my homework is stressful. XD But really,
what's this nonsense about offing myself?!?!?!
And this was an enjoyable read, and for some unknown reason, I feel a bit sad after finishing reading it. Like, the intensity of losing that section of forums just hit me like a train. I miss it now. It was small, it was forgotten, it was
but it was home.
I'm genuinely butthurt that I wasn't mentioned.
That wasn't a slight, it was late at night and a rushed job, and I genuinely thought that I had included you in this. I guess
I'm officially in your debt and you can use this as leverage against me
you'll have to be the main character when the roleplay and story forums dies out in 2019.
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire