
Living Crime

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Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Chapter 16: Into the Enemy's Arms

Modello, Alena, and Allister travel outside Avdima and towards the city of the full moon, Iericho. Their footsteps pound the ground heavily, echoing across the night sky that was smothered by the tears and breath of the flames that consumed the buildings as well as lives. The three headed out of the oak tree tall gate that was built by thick gray granite.

Their haste headed out towards the plains that was the bridge between the two cities. It was a field where all the battles between the two civilizations would take place. Many of the pieces of grass were covered by dried blood, the smell wasn't fresh but the lingering smell of blood and death stained this battlefield.

Modello's head suddenly started to bloom an incredible pressure. This headache absorbed the pain he felt from all other wounds he had suffered from fighting Tamir and pressed it straight onto his head. Out in the middle of the plain of war and death, Modello dropped to his knees and grabbed onto his aching head with his right head.

The half of his left arm dangled down like a Christmas ornament. But the pain from his wounds did not bother him, it was the intense pressure that just seemed to crush whatever strength he had left in him. He tightly closed his eyes to sign his agony. Alena and Allister noticed that Modello was not beside them as they ran. They both turned their heads behind them to see him.

Their glance spotted the black sheep on his knees, his right hand tightly grasped upon his head. Alena sprinted over to Modello while her brother merely stood in place. Her footsteps echoed, bouncing off each corner of the world. Once beside Modello, she knelled down next to him. "Are you alright?" she asked, concerned.
The end
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27-Jul-2010 03:17:36

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Modello remembered this pain, in the Catacombs of Zion. He remembered the incredible pressure that felt like it was a hand crushing the life out of him. He now remembers the trigger of this incredible pain, he remembers who it was. "Zin..." said Modello, silent.

Alena was slightly confused of this. She raised an eyebrow to Modello's quick breath. "Zin?" questioned Alena.

Modello opened his eyes slightly, his head turned out in front of him. His emerald green eyes focused straight onto the city of the full moon that was in the distance. Alena turned her head behind her, seeing what Modello's glance was staring off towards. She immediately recognized what he meant when he whispered Zin's name.

"He's there," Modello mumbled. "Waiting..." He stood onto his feet, his right hand still clenching onto his forehead. He still looked like he was in pain, but his feet marched on. His black leather boots stomp down on the mixture of emerald green and crimson red grass. Alena shuffled her head towards Modello. "Are you sure you're okay to walk?" she asked.

Modello did not reply to Alena's question, he simply just continued forward despite the suffering. He ran right passed Allister and headed towards Iericho. Alena sighed to herself and stood back onto her feet. Allister shuffled his eyes over to his sister. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied. She swiftly rushed after Modello, who was many steps ahead of them. She ran passed her brother. "Let's go!" Allister closed his eyes, a smirk grew to the corner of his left cheek. He opened his eyes back up and raced after his sister.
The end
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the beginning...

27-Jul-2010 03:21:18

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Within the walls of the enemy, the group of Avdima laid quiet in a prison cell. The stone of the prison cell's wall were made of runite and had some sort of strange spell carved into each stone. As did the prison cell bars, made of the same material with this strange spell carved into it.

Outside and inside the prison was dark and gloomy. Cracks caped parts of the ceiling, they just seemed to cry all day with teardrops that formed a puddle on the floor. The walls were made of granite blocks, just as cracked as the ceiling. There was hardly a light in this entire prison, just a small candle that was the sun in this eternal darkness.

Varon sat beside the prison bars, his brown irises laid outside in a cold look. Lite stood against the most eastern wall, standing up with his eyes closed and his arms crossed against his chest. Bart saw in the northeastern corner, Forscythe was right beside him. He had a needle in his right hand that threaded through an extra long quilt...with already ten folded beside him.

Daniel sat against the southern wall, closer to the bars than not. His right leg straight in front of him while his left leg was bent up like a bow. His hands sat crossed like an X. Moriah was the opposite, she was sitting against the southern wall more away from the bars than closer. Her legs were crossed like a pretzel, her hands were crossed like an X on top of her shins.

Her eyes simply looked like they wandered off into space. As the darkness that surrounded them seemed to thicken, an even brighter light overpowered the weakening sun. The group heard a whisper that sounded like a door cracked open, then slammed shut. As their minds raced with thought, they begin to hear sonata coming down to them.
The end
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the beginning...

27-Jul-2010 03:25:34

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The melody of the footsteps bounced from all corners of the small, twenty-five foot room. The footsteps marched closer and closer to them. The light drew near, finally the eternal darkness fled away from them. From the left side of the pathway that passed the prison cell in which the group was locked away in, two approached them.

Adrian and Alina, the two froze in their footsteps once in front of the cell. Alina held onto the lantern that made the shadows flee in earnest. Adrian's face was partially shadowed due by the direction in which Alina held onto the lantern. As soon as the two made their appearance, everyone in the cell, besides Bart and Varon, jumped to their feet.

"You...!" yelled Daniel, his ash gray eyes glaring straight at Adrian, grabbing onto the handle of his steel two-handed blade which was sheathed to his right hip.

"Please," mumbled Adrian, sorrowfully. "Don't hate me..."

Moriah's eyes go towards Adrian. "Oh, please," replied Moriah, rolling her eyes. "You're too much of a pathetic coward to hate."

Alina glared at Moriah. "Shut your mouth, you witch!" yelled Alina.

Adrian shook his head. "No, Alina," mumbled Adrian. "Let them speak how they feel..."

Lite sighed. "So, you're the puppet, Alina, huh?" he said.

"P-puppet?!" gasped Alina, angrily.

"Yeah, one of your soldiers confessed it. " answered Lite. "He said that Tamir commands you to kill off the family of a soldier so that Tamir can control them through their hatred."

Adiran's eyes widened, then a memory flashed through his mind. Just the other day, as he was praying. When his ears heard so much begging of fear and terror. The man that begged for his life. Adrian's eyes widened as he turned to Alina. "That's not true," disbelieved Adrian. "You wouldn't do that, would you darling?"

"O-of course not, dear!" denied Alina, shocked. "W-why on earth would I do something so horrible!?"

"Heh," laughed Moriah. "The denier is always the liar."

"Shut your mouth, you wretch!"
The end
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the beginning...

27-Jul-2010 03:29:28

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Call me what you'd like," replied Moriah. "Simply put, the truth is easily read. And if you are oblivious to it, well, guess you're just the most happiest couple. Happiest as in completely ignorant."

"I don't have to take this!" yelled Alina, shoving the lantern into Adrian so that he may take it. She turns away from the cell, facing the stairs. Her footsteps storm off in thunderous stomps. The door opens and then slams furiously.

Moriah chuckled. "Guess that's a checkmate." she said in the midst of her laughter.

But Adrian didn't react in the sort of way he should. His eyes were down, saddened. His arms dangled without motion beside him. "What I have done to you of Avdima is irrefutable." mumbled Adrian. "And there are no alibis to excuse it."

"What exactly are you getting at?" asked Lite.

"Your comrades are invading Iericho as we speak." stated Adrian. "They shall be here soon to free you."

"Why tell us this?" asked Moriah. "You are our enemy, are you not?"

"I don't want to be..." replied Adrian. "Tal has ordered his share of men to stand down, as have I."

"But with Tamir's powers, they have no choice but to fight." said Daniel.

"Just as long as they can resist." said Adrian. "Their faith may have fallen, but these people are strong."

"Unlike yourself?" said Moriah.

"Yes..." But then suddenly, Adrian's face faces tightens up. His eyes tightly close, and his hands clench like claws. He drops the lantern in his hand and latches his hands on his head. The lantern falls, smacking the ground and flipping onto it's side like a dead fish. He drops to his knees as everyone looks on in horror.
The end
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the beginning...

27-Jul-2010 03:32:29

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Please...!" yelped Adrian, images of blood soaked skulls and bodies fluttered his mind. These bodies seemed to be in the city of Iericho as the city burned in a hellish waltz of flames. But somebody stood in the middle of these flames, a man wearing black clothing. He held a blood soaked knife in his hand.

Blood cried from the blade, crashing into a already large pool of blood. And every-time the tears of blood splashed into the lake of blood, a high-pitched screech blasts throughout the land, ringing throughout Adrian's ears. The man's head was down, his face concealed by a black hat. That was, until the man's head slowly tilted up towards Adrian.

His face revealed, blood covered his cheeks and all across his face. His murderous green eyes glare satanically straight into Adrian's emerald green irises. Adrian's fright filled expression quickly changes into a more intense and serious look. "Stop what you're doing!" yelled Adrian. "Please!"

The man's eyes bled through Adrian, like he was glaring into his soul. His back was slightly arched forward. The man took one steps forward, one steps closer to Adrian. But when the man's leather boots smacked on the blood covered dirt, a wave of screaming bursts throughout the area, blowing towards Adrian.

The young Saradominist's eyes widened, completely shocked and terrified by this. "What the-!?" gasped Adrian, but he quickly returns his attention onto the black clothed man. "Please, sir! Listen to me!"

"This existence..." mumbled the man, his voice was hoarse. "...Shall die!" Adrian grit his teeth, rushing towards the man. "No, brother!!" he yelled, his feet hasting towards the man.
The end
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the beginning...

27-Jul-2010 03:36:03

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Back into reality, Adrian was completely incapacitated. His knees against the ground, the top of his head against the cold floor, his hands still clenched tightly onto his head. He had this frozen look of fear written on his face.

Lite's eyes were widened. "What do we do!?" he yelped.

Moriah shrugged her shoulders. "Why does it matter?" she replied. "He's an enemy, let him have his little mental breakdown."

Daniel sighed. "As much as it pains me to not disagree with her, I'll have to agree with Moriah." But then, suddenly, the cell door slowly creeps open, like a brush of wind passed by it. It cries a painful screech, blaring into the ears of everyone for just a few seconds.

Everybody turns their attention to that, a tad confused by this. "What on earth?" asked Moriah, approaching the door. "Is this...a trap?"

"The door opened!?" said Bart, excited. His eyes flip focusing onto his companion Forscythe as he doesn't look at his knitting. He had about twenty five extra long quilts folded beside him. "Why not, Forscythe? It can't be a trap, you dork."

Daniel sighed. "The...doll is right." he said. "If we are to proceed, we should do so using caution."

"Can't believe I'm saying this," said Moriah. "But...I guess the doll is right."

"Hey, his name is Forscythe."


"Then everyone should keep their steps close together and their eyes open." said Varon.

"Yeah," replied Daniel. He walks out of the prison cell. "Let's go, but please use caution."
The end
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the beginning...

27-Jul-2010 03:42:46

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(The rest of the bits are unedited. So, if you find an error, please correct it yourself. ^^)

Outside of the castle, just before the stairs leading into the castle. It was a 50-by-50 foot stone plain of solid granite that was the main route into the castle. Buildings were to the south of this giant stone square. Modello, Alena, and Allister were surrounded by at least seven soldiers, including Lelia and Vincent.

Alena pulled an arrow back on her Yew Longbow's string, the star of Saradomin that was the arrow's head glittered by the stars and moon. Allister's blade was drawn and tightly gripped in his right hand. His kiteshield clenched in his left hand. His eyes intense and focused, ready for anything.

"Since all you know is violence," said Allister. "Come." The soldiers quickly charged towards the group of three, but Vincent and Lelia watched on. Modello charged towards the oncoming group of Iericho soldiers, his one-foot dagger tightly gripped in his right hand. The soldier in front of him swings his Steel Longsword towards Modello.

Modello jumps slightly to the left, barely dodging the strike. He quickly kicks the soldier in the stomach, sending waves of pain throughout the young soldier's body. Modello then thrusts his dagger straight into the back of the soldier's neck, severing the spinal cord into two. Modello quickly pulls out his dagger and charges towards the next soldier.

The soldier thrusts his halberd at Modello from afar. Modello leaps into the air once his halberd got too closer, and as Modello was in the air, he threw his dagger straight at the soldier's head. And before the soldier knew it, the dagger impales right between his eyes, cutting through the soldier's brain stem. The soldier falls flat on the ground, dropping his halberd in the process.
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27-Jul-2010 03:44:08

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He was a mess of blood, the back of his head just poured out blood. His face was a frozen look of fear written all over his face. Modello landed just in front of where the soldier once stood. He reached out towards his dagger, clenching his right hand around the handle. But then he hears the sound of somebody charging at him.

He quickly turns around, pulling the dagger out from the soldier's head. Here comes another soldier, shortsword in hand. He swiftly strikes down his shortsword upon Modello, who rolls to the side to dodge. The soldier grit his teeth in frustration, angered. He glares to the left, and sees Alena pointing an arrow straight at him. "Sorry." she quietly apologized.

She lets go of her bow's string, releasing the arrow. The arrow charges towards the soldier until the arrows pierces right into his forehead, sending blood all over the place. Silently, the soldier drops to the ground, his weapon released from his hand.

Alena spun around, looking towards what was behind her. And there she saw, a knight in a absolute thick coat of armour pounding on top of her brother. Allister continued to guard with his shield, it was all bent and dented. The tall, muscular knight quickly to swing his large hammer down upon Allister. The prince's teeth were grit in frustration and in pain.

Alena's heart pounded faster when she saw the situation. A look of intensity and fear grew on her face. "Brother!" she yelled, pulling an arrow back on her Yew Longbow's string. The arrow's head lit up with electricity, the bolts of lighting danced all over the arrow. Her aim started to become shaken, the energy of the arrow was hard to control.
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the beginning...

27-Jul-2010 03:44:40

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Without knowledge of where the arrow was going to hit, she launches it. The arrows earnestly rushes towards the steel cloaked knight, bursting into a electrified blast that looked like a shooting star. The knight saw the arrow coming and quickly swings his hammer at the arrow to break it. Once his hammer makes contact with the arrow, a giant flash blinds everyone.

Once the blinding energy-charged flash passes, the knight takes one good look at his right arm, the one that carried his hammer. And his right arm was completely gone. Once he realized it, an intense pain shook through his body. The knight started to quiver, shaking like an earthquake. "M-m-m-my..." terrifyingly spoke the knight. "A-a-a-arm...!"

The bare flesh sizzled and smoked, the smell of burnt flesh rushed into the air. Allister took a look at the knight's arm, and his eyes widened. He then looked towards his sister, who looked terrified. Her left hand against her mouth, she gulped down saliva hard. The knight drops to the floor, in complete and utter shock.

Allister's eyes suddenly widened bigger than an owl's. He pointed towards Alena. "Sis!" he yelled, rushing towards her. "Behind you!" She turned around to react to her brother's yelp. And she saw a soldier swinging his blade at her. She quickly reacted by guarding her face with her right hand. She had a bracing look on her face, closing her eyes and waiting.

But after a moment, she realizes that she has yet to be harm. She opens her eyes to check what had happened. She saw blood, but not her blood. She saw a blood soaked Saradomin cloak that was tied to a steel plate. She saw the blade sticking right through the middle of the Saradomin star on the cloak.
The end
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the beginning...

27-Jul-2010 03:45:32

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