Had she tried to do it with less force the tool would have remained embedded in the eye - and by extension head - of Mrs. Hatcher, but Natalie's yank managed to force the object free, but pulling with it gore and small pieces of something pink and soft. Pieces of the brain, almost certainly. The sound it produced was anything but pleasant, the wet squish almost echoing with how quiet it was. The gore-covered tool was intact however, and revealed to be a phillips head screwdriver.
As close as she was to the corpse, Natalie would be able to make out bits of pink and red in her teeth.
Miss Blackwell watched the western hallway carefully, but nothing moved - the footprints carrying on a while but growing fainter as the blood gradually became used up. Still, they could be made out rounding the corner into the western side of the school proper. She didn't seem to react to Zenon or Claudette's comments, simply waiting and watching - and presumably thinking.
Everyone to the front doors,
" She eventually told them, gesturing with her free hand towards the visible front entrance. They were thick doors with relatively small glass windows on the upper half of them, so unless they were right up close to them they would not be able to see outside. Assuming the teenagers got moving they might note that Miss Blackwell was almost unmoved from her place watching the west hallway, clearly intent on having her students make it to safety while she kept watch.
The approach to the doors would have nothing amiss. However, if they looked out of the door's windows they would be able to see a number of figures standing around outside. The angle wasn't great, so to the left or right of the building they wouldn't be able to see anything without going outside, but merely between the entrance and the street several metres beyond there were at least a couple of dozen people. They were standing, but seemed... Off, their bodies swaying slightly and their arms dangling by their sides,
I am Inferi.
19-Feb-2019 23:08:56