Messenger:The rabble of the elitists and their deluded allies
Messenger:Shall withdraw at once beyond the Anduin.
Messenger:West of the Anduin as far as the Misty Mountains
Messenger:and the Gap of Rohan shall be tributary to Mordor and
Messenger:Men there shall bear no weapons, but shall help to rebuild Isengard.
He stopped, smiling. But to his surprise, Gandolf did not accept the terms. Instead, he cast aside his cloak and a white light shone forth like a sword in that black place.
Gandolf:These terms of yours, we reject them utterly.
Gandolf:Get you gone, for your embassy is over and death is near to you.
Then the noob messenger laughed no more. He gave a great cry, and turned, leaped upon his steed, and with his company galloped back to Cirith Gorgor. The wind blew, and the trumpets sang, and arrows whined; but the sun now climbing towards the South was veiled in the reeks of Mordor. And out of the gathering mirk the Nazgul came with their cold voices crying the words of death; and then all hope was…
Let’s see here.
Replace the messenger with Texan85, the Nazgul with arrows, and Gandolf with…
Ok, nevermind. Just forget the whole thing.
Here’s what really happened:
No horn interrupted the noobs as they rushed in on the remaining elitist armies, looking and sounding like a pack of goblins, slavering for battle. No order had formed in the elitist ranks, many were still waiting for Zezima or Numanuma3 to suddenly appear and save them. Neither did.
Arrows screamed through the night, invisible, taking out scores of elitists. Noobs fought in the lava ring’s demonic glow, steel and iron swords clashing with flails and abyssal whips. Many of them would be pushed into the lava throughout the course of the battle.
28-May-2006 04:24:02