Such spam; I never said the story was imperfect. I was talking about the spam.
Scouteh and Game; you're fools.
19-Oct-2007 15:55:19
Last edited on 19-Oct-2007 15:56:21 by Gamefreak318
Actually Scout, I have my next 3 threads planned out.
I'm giving a special sneak peek.
The first will be entitled "A Bullet From Afar".
It just so happens to be the beginning of the ZT Saga.
(If you look at the first post it says that TPUtS is the >4th< Installment.)
Unfortunately, the previous three (including ABFA) were written at least a year ago. My writing skill was not what it is now.
So Sitting in front of me on my desk right now is the new cover of ABFA, and stapled to it is a rough outline of how I want to rewrite it. Once this is accomplished I'll have it up and running on the Story Forum. ;D
The same with the 2nd installment, IWYACMaUD. Yeah, that's an acronym. Understandably, I might end up changing the name before making it public.
Annnnd the third and final one before I proceed onward with the ZT series will remain unnamed as of now. Just to keep you guys in a bit of suspense. ;D
I think the hardest part of this entire project will be finding some way to get RS-related content into all of the installments; otherwise, their home will be the dreaded Off-Topic forum. >.>
Are you a FOOL?
20-Oct-2007 00:37:59