“How long will it take to get there?”
“About six and a half minutes, sir.”
“Alright then, get moving. Once we are inside, shut down all non-vital systems. We wouldn't want to be detected. Keep watch for the other submarine, and report to me as soon as any activity is seen.”
“Right away, sir. "
The piloting specialist stared at the radar in surprise. They were about two minutes away from reaching the dot on the screen when suddenly it winked out of existence. It wasn’t long before Smith arrived at the piloting console and noticed the absence.
“Would you mind telling me where, exactly, that blinky green dot thing went?” Smith ground out through clenched teeth.
“Ah…I don’t know exactly.”
The chief’s lip twitched. “Find it,” he ordered, before storming off looking rather cross.
Zach stood in front of the giant pineapple, completely oblivious to the events that were occuring. He tentatively grasped the handle of the door and yanked on it. It swung open easily, revealing not a flood room but rather a simple living area. It was rather drab, only decorated with a couch, a small table, and a TV. On the far wall, there were two doors similar to the one he just opened. Something bothered Zach; it was deathly silent. The door creaked as he pushed it further open, making Zach wince. It sounded loud enough for the entire ocean to hear. He paused for a moment, waiting for something to happen; a knife flying at him out of nowhere, perhaps, or someone bursting in from another room and attacking. However, after a few nerve-wracking minutes, it seemed that nothing was going to happen. He took a cautious step forward, and then another, and another, until he found himself standing in the very center of the room. After scanning the room again to check for any hostile activity, he advanced towards the closer of the two doors. He pushed it open to find himself staring face to face with Sponge Bob.
27-Sep-2007 02:50:55
- Last edited on
27-Sep-2007 02:58:56