
» The Pineapple Under the Sea

Quick find code: 49-50-427-47169582



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» Seven «

“Get a crew together.”
“Come again?” Officer Nickelson stared incredulously at Chief Officer Smith.
“You heard me. Get a crew together.”
“You mean…You mean for the submarine?” He motioned to Sam Jones’ submarine in front of them. As soon as Smith had heard about it, he had come.
“Yes, of course for the submarine, you numbskull! We are getting on that submarine and going wherever ZT went. There were two submarines here at one point. We need to find the other one. We find the other one, and we find our man. Now let’s get going.”
Nickelson could think of countless arguments against Smith’s theory, but he knew that pointing them out would be useless. He dutifully followed the orders, and in a few hours Nickelson, Smith, and a crew of professionals were descending into the ocean.
Smith stood in the control room, surveying the operations. Nickelson stood next to him, prepared as always to carry out his next bidding.
“Nickelson, we are going to find this man,” Smith told his subordinate. “And when we do…He’s going to wish he were never born.”

» End of Chapter Seven «

27-Sep-2007 02:47:15



Posts: 3,054 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
» Eight «

Zach wished he had never been born.
Every joint ached. Every muscle was cramped. His entire body was sore.
He hadn’t trained for this kind of stuff. His career was hit-and-run. He found his target through convenient means, killed it, and left. He had never had to trek countless miles to reach his target. Until now. The only thought that was running through his head was “rest”. But he couldn’t rest. He had to keep going. He had to find out where Sponge Bob had gone. He had to kill him, so he could get out of there and back up to the surface. He tried to distract his thoughts away from his situation.
What could Sam have been talking about before? Police, attempting to capture him? Was there any possible way that the cops had uncovered another piece of evidence? Was this going to inhibit his further operations? How much do they know? Zach assumed that he was going to resurface nearby Sam’s mansion in Great Britain; how difficult would it be to reenter the States? Had the police discovered his headquarters? Could he take the chance of returning to his home country in the first place?
Zach noticed he was reaching the crest of a large hill, so he pushed these thoughts into the back of his mind, storing them for further contemplation. As he came to the top he could see in the distance an alignment of three buildings. The one on the left seemed to be a rock with a simple bamboo weathervane mounted on top. It had no visible entrances. The middle was similar to a tiki head, with a normal wooden door in the front. The house on the right was, to Zach’s amazement, a giant pineapple. The entryway was a steel door similar to the entrance of Sandy’s air dome.

27-Sep-2007 02:48:48 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2007 02:54:42 by Narcisi



Posts: 3,054 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
'Could that be another floodroom?' Zach wondered. He frowned. He’d just have to go and find out. He could see the boat-car parked directly next to it, so there was no doubt he had the right house. He sighed.
“Might as well get this overwith,” he muttered, readjusting his harpoon gun and starting down the hill.


After cruising through the ocean for some time, Nickelson and the submarine crew were feeling rather discouraged. The only thing they had to go off of was the fact that somewhere out there was Jones’ other submarine. And they had to find it. No matter how absurd the plan sounded, no one dared to question it. It had come directly from the mind of Chief Officer Smith, and any person who dared question him would most likely find himself stripped of his rank, if not worse.
Smith was, as usual, fiercely devoted to the task at hand. He paraded around the control room, his voice echoing through the room as he berated his subordinates for every little error. At every station he thoroughly examined each console, though he most likely had absolutely no idea what the blinking lights and scrolling numbers meant. Currently he was rebuking the official who was manning the weaponry station.
“Why aren’t the weapons prepared!?!?” the chief ranted.
“Ah…sir, they are prepared,” the man timidly replied.
“Oh yeah!? Well then tell me what exactly that red blinky light thing is supposed to mean!?” Smith raged, gesturing wildly to the console.
“Erm…that means that the weapons are on standby.”
“STANDBY!? Did you just say STANDBY!? So they’re just going to stand there and do nothing when we find ZT!?”
“No, sir! Standby means that they are currently ready to be used.”
“…Oh. So if I want them to blast the heck out of that other submarine, they’ll be ready?”
“That’s correct, sir.”
“Very good, then; carry on with your button pushing and number reading, then. And snap to it! "

27-Sep-2007 02:49:43 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2007 02:54:54 by Narcisi



Posts: 3,054 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Of course, sir. "
The chief then moved on to the piloting station to find something else to rage about.
“Hello, mister communications official.”
“Er, hello, sir– ”
“What do you mean hello!? Stop slacking and get back to work! What is that stupid little blinking dot on the radar? I don’t like it; make it go away! Well what are you waiting for!? Do it!”
“Ah…sir! That dot signifies another underwater vehicle! I think we’ve found our submarine.”
Smith paused, giving the glowing green dot a withering glare. “Well get over there then! Let’s go, on the double!”
“Right away, sir.”

Morton took another long look at the radar to make sure he was seeing correctly before turning and motioning to the captain.
“Ah, sir, you might want to come and take a look at this,” he suggested nervously.
The captain walked over to Morton’s station and looked over his subordinate’s shoulder. “What is it, Morton?”
Morton pointed at the large radar taking up most of his screen. “That, sir,” he said, indicating a small green blip barely within their detection range. “We’ve acquired the identification code: it’s Mr. Jones’ second submarine.”
“Have you made radio contact?”
“We tried; they have their communications system shut off.”
The captain scowled. Then we have no choice but to regard them as hostile. What is there Estimated Time of Arrival?”
“ETA is eight minutes, thirty-eight seconds and counting.”
“Very well. Are there any nearby caves or crevices?”
“Just answer the question, Morton.”
“Ah…yes, there is a cave a few hundred yards to the southwest.”

27-Sep-2007 02:50:33 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2007 02:55:05 by Narcisi



Posts: 3,054 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“How long will it take to get there?”
“About six and a half minutes, sir.”
“Alright then, get moving. Once we are inside, shut down all non-vital systems. We wouldn't want to be detected. Keep watch for the other submarine, and report to me as soon as any activity is seen.”
“Right away, sir. "
The piloting specialist stared at the radar in surprise. They were about two minutes away from reaching the dot on the screen when suddenly it winked out of existence. It wasn’t long before Smith arrived at the piloting console and noticed the absence.
“Would you mind telling me where, exactly, that blinky green dot thing went?” Smith ground out through clenched teeth.
“Ah…I don’t know exactly.”
The chief’s lip twitched. “Find it,” he ordered, before storming off looking rather cross.
Zach stood in front of the giant pineapple, completely oblivious to the events that were occuring. He tentatively grasped the handle of the door and yanked on it. It swung open easily, revealing not a flood room but rather a simple living area. It was rather drab, only decorated with a couch, a small table, and a TV. On the far wall, there were two doors similar to the one he just opened. Something bothered Zach; it was deathly silent. The door creaked as he pushed it further open, making Zach wince. It sounded loud enough for the entire ocean to hear. He paused for a moment, waiting for something to happen; a knife flying at him out of nowhere, perhaps, or someone bursting in from another room and attacking. However, after a few nerve-wracking minutes, it seemed that nothing was going to happen. He took a cautious step forward, and then another, and another, until he found himself standing in the very center of the room. After scanning the room again to check for any hostile activity, he advanced towards the closer of the two doors. He pushed it open to find himself staring face to face with Sponge Bob.

27-Sep-2007 02:50:55 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2007 02:58:56 by Narcisi



Posts: 3,054 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Hello Zach,” the creature greeted. “Is there something I can do for you?”
Zach recovered from his surprise quickly. “How do you know my name?”
Sponge Bob laughed quietly. “I know more about you than just your name, Zach Telmar. I know that you were born in Pennsylvania, and when you turned 23 you went into the assassination business. You’ve been killing people for 10 years as of May 6th. I know that your most recent killing involved an actor in the recently cancelled show Blues Clues. I also know that I am your next target, and you are here to kill me. I’ve been watching you, knowing that eventually, someone was going to employ you for this job. And it appears that that day has finally come.
“And do you know what else I know, Telmar?” Sponge Bob questioned. “I know that there is no way I am going to allow you to take my life.”
From his back pocket Sponge Bob took a strange-looking spatula. Its sides looked dangerously sharp. With a swiftness that was astonishing, Sponge Bob swung his weapon at Zach’s throat. Thanks to the fact that they were underwater, however, the attack was slower than most. Even so, Zach had barely enough time to dodge it. He ducked and felt the water swish as the spatula breezed over his head.
Thinking quickly, he somersaulted backwards, at the same time snatching the Colt from his belt. He finished his somersault and shot at where Sponge Bob was. Unfortunately, Sponge Bob was no longer there. Zach heard a faint footstep behind him.
'Behind me!' he thought. He dropped his gun and grabbed the hilt of his knife. Spinning around, he lashed out powerfully. To cut through nothing but water. A foot connected with his back, sending him to the ground. He rolled to his right and scrambled back to his feet, tightly gripping his weapon.

27-Sep-2007 02:51:37 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2007 02:57:24 by Narcisi



Posts: 3,054 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
'I’ve got to get outside,' he thought. He obviously has the advantage in here. Zach wasn’t surprised to find that Sponge Bob had once again disappeared from sight. The door was only a few feet from the exit, but Zach knew that the moment he started for it he would be attacked yet again. He put his back against the wall so that he could only be attacked from one direction. Very slowly, he worked his way towards the door, making sure to stay alert for anything that would give away the location of his opponent. By the time Zach reached the corner closest to the door, a thought struck him. In such a small room, where in the world could Sponge Bob be hiding? Zach realized then that he had only been looking around him. He needed to think in other dimensions. He glanced above him and saw he was correct. Directly overtop him, Sponge Bob was bracing himself between two of the walls.
" Die!” the sponge screamed, dropping down with his spatula swinging wildly. Acting instinctively, Zach took his knife and threw it straight up before diving out of the way of his opponent’s attack. The knife sped through the water and imbedded itself in Sponge Bob’s stomach. The sponge landed with a thump. The knife had gone all the way through; Zach could see the tip of the blade protruding from Sponge Bob’s back. Zach nodded in satisfaction. The job was done. He eagerly exited the pineapple and started back the way he had come, planning to rendezvous with the submarine somewhere along the way. A voice suddenly stopped him. "Telmar, where are you going? The fun is just getting started!” the voice said from behind him.

27-Sep-2007 02:52:28 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2007 02:58:12 by Narcisi

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