Dle Uloser
24-Jul-2007 23:31:36
*Watches silently as the story is staggering around.*
Man Smurfie you got to be more friendlier to stories...
Die Uloser, stories don't have feelings nor can they feel pain. If they could, I'd be arrested already for my experiments
*There is a small group of awesome people, sitting around discussing things such as poisoned chocolate, watermeats, and story abuse.*
*Suddenly, from the distance, the faint sound of trumpet fanfare reaches their ears.*
*Their eyes brighten, and they stand in anticipation.*
*Much joy and hurrahs, for it is true! Their beloved author has finally returned!*
Time for a party! And the really annoying hinting at posting the rest of your story.
And this draws the offical start line for the race to get a Wii. Now I only need to hire Ninja to prevent you from reaching a store untill september 15th..