Chapter 19
“It should be said to those who would dare to seek out our Treasure. It has been said to those who would be foolish enough to explore the mysteries of the Fade Realm. It shall be said to those who would dare to traffik with the Mad Minds and their vile Sleeping God.
Our Mages warn all: Beware the Dark Powers. They will stop at nothing to bring thee to Damnation. Such was the tragic fate of Mokosh the Fifth Magistrate Arcane.”
~Skarjil Datashade Glyph [Religion & Arcana]: Curse of the Rasvim
“What… have… you…done?”
The question hung over V’s head like a dark cloud. He did*’t know the answer himself, but yet he felt he should know it.
V shook his head and said, "I don’t know. Do you?”
The red-garbed man was standing in a void created by the Psionic shade…Lukil, he thought the man’s name was. That is, assuming he was actually a man at all. From what he understood of the Shade’s explanation, the void was supposed to be his own personal space where he could recall memories from the past. The key words were “supposed to be”. Right now, he found that he could recall nothing, save for what he already knew.
A mysterious voice sounded from the depths of the void. “You are the one with the experiences, not I. You have committed the actions, not I. You are the...”
“I know what I am,” V interrupted. “But what I am has nothing to do with what the ghost said.”
“Don’t be so sure,” the voice replied smoothly. “I don’t think one who hasn’t fallen prey to their schemes would commit such acts of betrayal.”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^
^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^
19-Dec-2010 04:33:00
- Last edited on
31-Jan-2011 03:00:38
A Mad Hatter