
^+^ The Age of Nhur ^+^

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A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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“Anyway,” he continued. “Moving back to the topic of the Talisman. At first it was believed that He’rkhine controlled his hounds by using it to exert his will over them. However, there were no prior indications of Hound activity before the being came onto the scene, and no talisman was ever mentioned when it did come into the open. So, another theory was devised, and I fear that it may be true if what you went through is any indication.”

“You heard the voice mention that the evil was sealed within three keys in order to hide a treasure,” he continued. “Believe it or not, many scholars who have studied the figure noted that it and its hounds have more or less disappeared around the time the Skarjil vanished. At first it was just chalked up to lucky timing, but more revolutionary advances in magical lore have revealed that it’s indeed possible to separate a powerful entity into proverbial bits and pieces, which would more or less destroy their physical form and seriously dampen their power.”

“I think I see where this is heading,” Uthalion interrupted. “These Skarjil guys must have found a way to separate the demon’s power into three things before sealing its soul in something else. I imagine doing that would seriously drain them, if not outright kill the mages involved.”

“That’s correct,” Romulus agreed. “Further more, the Talisman has only been mentioned in several accounts after the demon disappeared, and on top of that, his hounds only seem to appear when either the demon does, or when the Talisman becomes active. So it’s not too far of a stretch to assume that whatever power was sealed into the thing was a natural magic of sorts which only it commanded.”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

03-Aug-2010 02:04:15

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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“I think I'm beginning to get it now," Uthalion said. “The voices I’ve been hearing lately seemed to have been either pining for release, or threatening me with the fate of becoming one of its hounds. But since that last bit hasn’t happened yet, I assume it wants me in my normal form so it can be reunited with the other two ‘keys'."

"That’s why I got a bit angry at the start of our meeting,” the red robed mage said. “You see, I've been investigating cult activity for quite a while, and one that has caught my interest seems to have become quite active again.”

Uthalion scratched his head. “I’m assuming that’s not a good thing, but why?”

“I’m not going to lie,” he replied. “There have been numerous attempts on my life already, if not from a rival who’s jealous of my post, then by a cult who fears my power. They’ve gotten so bad that I’ve had to take the initiative and acquire the services of that Hexblade you saw dueling the simulacrum earlier.”

“Oh, so you thought that this was another attempt, then?” Uthalion asked.

“Well, yes. So far the attempts have been more mundane: an assassin in a public place here, a sniper there. I fear that they may be resorting to more magical means, and having the Hounds run around my tower thanks to this talisman being delivered by a face from my past is one hell of a worry.”

“The sad part is it makes sense,” he admitted. “But one last thing. One datashade in the tomb mentioned ‘Mad Minds'. What could those possibly be?”

“Well,” Romulus started. “I’m not sure. My first inclination would be to assume they’re some sort of Psionic race, but they could easily be mad Skarjil mages. In fact, a cabal of mad mages seems more likely, because a rather disturbing development among the Skarjil casters had a tendency to drive one to madness.”

“Was it really that bad?”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

03-Aug-2010 02:05:16 - Last edited on 20-Dec-2010 00:53:53 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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“I’m not personally sure,” Romulus admitted. “However, I have a feeling that imbuing the very fabric of magic into the flesh in the form of a tattoo would be very painful. Hell, even Marik admits that his Hexblade spells use a similar system, which causes him a great deal of discomfort.”

“So what now, then? We have to do something, don’t we?”

Romulus stared into Uthalion’s eyes and answered, "I don’t know what you can do, but I know that I intend to lock this thing up in the meantime to study it. I need to know if there’s a way to dampen the power so it’s not a threat anymore.

“What if you turn into a hound?”

“That’s a risk I’ll have to live with, then. However, I didn't rise to my office by being stupid and go around unprotected, that much I can assure you,” the Archmage answered grimly. “Anyway, we must act fast. You’re welcome to stay and sit in on the research if you wish, but if you don’t, then I’m afraid I must turn you out to the streets as per the laws established under our charter since you’re not a registered mage."

"I’d like to see this," Uthalion replied. “Besides, I feel sorta obligated to see this through. It’s what Smithe would want.”

“Very well. A room shall be prepared for you shortly. Seriously, get some rest in the meantime. I think you’ve been through enough to deserve it. I’ll send for you when I’m ready to begin the research.”

“Thanks," Uthalion said, sounding relieved. Romulus nodded, and made a gesture at the Talisman trapped in the box of force, which caused it to disappear in a small puff of smoke. The men then rose from their chairs, which vanished as they stood, and headed towards the glyph that led back to the Archmage’s private viewing box. Uthalion instinctively stood close to Romulus as the mage worked his magic, and the pair teleported out of the office.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

03-Aug-2010 02:05:58 - Last edited on 20-Dec-2010 00:55:19 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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Sometime later, Romulus stood once again in his office. On his desk lay the Talisman, which was still trapped in the box he had conjured earlier in the day.

The small globe was now lit, and he studied the object closely. The eye was still awake, and still just as confused by its surroundings as it had been when it was first trapped. Of course, the Archmage thought that the eye would eventually become aware enough to dispel the sedative effect of the magic being used on it, and in fact he was actually counting on it. However, it wouldn’t bode well if it occurred just yet.

A slight tingle teased his neck, and he sensed a figure entering the chamber. He sighed, and asked, “I take it she heard everything during my little meeting?”

Marik emerged from the shadows in a corner of the chamber. Romulus didn't need any magic to know that the Hexblade would be there, for the enchantments guarding it ensured that the only people who would have access to it were either accompanied by himself, or those he permitted personally.

“Yes,” he answered. “I suspect our little Mori is right now running to her master to report this...'development' of ours. I must admit, you have some crazy luck there.”

“Yes, I suppose so. First my daughter manifests the gift of Fade Magic and goes insane, even going as far as to attempt to burn the tower down to ‘save’ the students. Then, a damn cult that all thought long disbanded tries killing me just for having its name down on a list. How they found out, I have no clue, though I suspect that the girl has something to do with it. And now, this,” he motioned to the Talisman.

Marik looked at the item with a curious expression on his face. “So, what is it?”

“I’m sure you’ll find out in time.”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

03-Aug-2010 02:07:11 - Last edited on 20-Dec-2010 00:56:45 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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“So you’d willingly withhold important information from the guy who’s supposed to know about extreme threats to the tower? Hardly seems like a good idea to me.”

The mage shrugged. “All you’ll need to know, you’ll find out when I start my research. Not after, nor even before.”

Marik sighed. “Alright, I guess. So I assume the orders still stand?”

“Of course. Stick to the plan: keep an eye on Mori by any means necessary. Find out who her master is, and if he’s connected to the attempts in the meantime. If she does anything that may endanger the tower, or even Ukrosha and the Emperor, kill her. Even you should be able to do something like that.”

“Right,” the Hexblade sarcastically hissed through clenched teeth. “I’m not questioning the orders or anything, but how do we know that she’s with the same cult that are supposedly behind the attacks on your life?”

“We don’t. On the other hand, if I should fall, then this world will end up in a lot more trouble than it currently finds itself in. Even you know that.”

“It’s all because of this thing, isn’t it?” Marik eyed the Talisman warily, as if it could strike at any moment. The eye still rolled about lazily.

“Aye,” Romulus answered. “I get the feeling that things are about to get interesting during the course of the next few days. You would do well to prepare for the worst.”

Marik laughed. “Now that sounds like what I signed on for. I might do just that, boss.” He walked back into the shadows, and Romulus sensed that the man had vanished from the chamber as he did.

He sighed, and turned back to the Talisman. “Interesting indeed,” he mumbled to himself. “Just what are you planning, ‘Dark One’? Or do you prefer 'Huntsman’?”

The eye only rolled around in response.

^+^ End of Chapter 8 ^+^
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

03-Aug-2010 02:09:01 - Last edited on 20-Dec-2010 00:58:04 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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Chapter 9
A loud voice sounded through the throne room. “A’right, this ‘ere court is now in session! Emperor Nhur will now be hearin’ yer problems. In the meantime, anyone sittin’ who ain’t be ‘ere to whine an’ all that fun stuff, git out.”

The court clerk, who was a stocky dwarf with unusual black skin and even more unusually white hair, teetered around the room, taking stock of the situation. It seemed his announcement finally registered with the shades and other lesser races present as some of them began to rise from the guilded benches on both sides of the room and leave, which caused a big, wide grin to show on his face. Unfortunately for the poor fellow, a stench surrounding him confirmed what everyone in the room had known before he even started his rambling: he was also drunk.

Nhur snorted in disgust. “Will someone remove this cretin from my throne room already? I can barely stand the smell, let alone the noise he makes.”

Two Ordinators moved to intercept the clerk, who gave a half hearted struggle at best. It didn't take much effort on their half to overpower the dwarf, and within seconds the Ordinators were dragging him out as he screamed “Dun forget, folks, visit our gift shop on that there ground floor! We sell o’erpriced stuffs!” The massive obsidian doors which guarded the throne room closed with a bang, and the assembled crowd grew silent.

Nhur surveyed the gathering before him from his throne. He recognized a few faces as representatives from the Merchants Guild, as well as the two seers which were sent from the Chantry. Other than that, as far as he was concerned, the rest of them didn't matter in the slightest.
“I guess we shall start with the Guild’s case first. All involved, step forward now."
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

04-Aug-2010 03:24:42 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2011 00:24:33 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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Five well dressed figures stood from the benches, and moved cautiously towards the steps leading to the throne. Three of them were obviously shades, but the *ahjarrat noted that a well built Minotaur with massive horns sprouting from its head was among their number, as well as a pale man with raven black hair which was slicked back who wore a suit that was just as dark as his hair was.

They seemed nervous about presenting themselves before the throne, and many couldn’t blame them. After all, most emperors in the past had a serious reputation for giving the impression that they cared without really meaning anything they had said, and on top of that, one of Nhur’s first moves after taking the office included getting rid of the traditional shadowstuff throne in favor of one which had a more intimidating and demonic look. Even Erevin admitted that he felt unnerved by the throne, and the spymaster was hard to frighten as it stood.

One of the shades, a somewhat plain female by Nhur’s standards, spoke first. “My liege, my name is Darsi Verona.” She motioned to the two shade men who stood behind her. “These men are Gerath Jadestone, of the Jadestone Jewelers, and Hamil Kilarth, of Kilarth’s Karats. The minotaur calls himself Joroth Stonespringer, of the Stonecutter’s House.” She then motioned towards the pale man. “My other associate here calls himself…”

“I’ll speak for myself, you insolent girl,” the pale man snarled. He turned towards Nhur and bowed, oblivious to the surprised stares he received at that very moment. “If you shall forgive my outburst Lord Emperor, my name is Lorkaj Drakan.”

The room, which was buzzing with hushed whispers as the proceedings started, hushed as the man introduced himself. Even Nhur seemed taken aback, but he composed himself before asking, “A Drakan? Oh, this should be interesting. Why aren’t you with Lowerniels’s legions in the New World?”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

04-Aug-2010 03:25:48 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2011 00:26:12 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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“To make a long story short, and keep this show on track, let’s just say that I don’t agree with my family’s…methods. They’ve been experimenting recently with humans who possess…. a very strange magic, if it could even be called magic…. and I don’t want any part of it in the slightest.”

“A wise choice, I’m sure,” Nhur agreed. He looked at the other four merchants before him. The Minotaur snorted out of boredom, but other than that everyone else seemed uneasy around the vampyre now that he practically identified himself as such. “So,” Nhur began. “You five obviously have a problem, and I have at least a few other petitions to hear out before the day is done. So if you will forgive my lack of patience, spill it.”

Darsi spoke first. “Before I begin, would I be correct in assuming the throne already knows of the recent murders?”

Nhur nodded. “Yes, my spymaster and I were just discussing it the other day.”

Darsi seemed pleased to hear this, and continued, “Very well, then. To cut to the chase, my associates and I wish to appeal to the throne to allow mercenaries employed by the Guild to work with the Ordinators to track the killer, or killers, down and bring them to justice.”

The orbs of light which passed for Nhur’s eyes flared brightly at her suggestion. “Lady Darsi, with all due respect towards your no doubt skilled men...the Ordinators are one of the best fighting forces on this plane. Surely any mercenary the Guild has at their disposal has better things to do than try to fight a losing battle with them?”

“Oh,” the shade called Gerath shouted. “I suppose this awesome ‘fighting force’ was so good, that they managed to let a small group of rebels attack you on your own float not more than a week ago on purpose?"
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

04-Aug-2010 03:27:10 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2011 00:27:54 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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“The incident with the general is a separate matter, and is being dealt with by the Ordinators and myself,” Nhur spat angrily. “Word to the wise, ‘Gerath’: it would do you well to think before speaking of manners which you don’t fully understand.” Gerath stood silent at this, for the threat came through loud and clear. “Now,” he nodded at Darsi. “Please, milady, continue.”

Darsi shot an angry glance at Gerath before continuing. “I’m sure the Ordinators are well trained, but we believe even the mightiest of warriors needs help every now and then. Besides, the mercenaries will be aiding them, not competing for some trophy.”

“Let’s say I agree to this request. What form will this ‘aid’ take besides extra men? Surely there's a catch?”

Darsi pointed at the Minotaur. “Joroth and members of the Stonecutter’s House have agreed to spare their extra muscle,” she then pointed at Lorkaj. “While Sir Drakan has agreed to offer volunteers the chance to experience the darker side of existence as a Vampyre for a temporary basis. They shall be outfitted by weapons and armor created by both the Jewelers and House Verona. They shall all be trained for the missions beforehand, so the throne doesn’t have to spend a single gold piece on anything.”

The Mahjarrat seemed to frown. “Lady, I shall be the first to admit, all of this being lent to the throne for no cost is a tempting offer, but I’m afraid there’s a slight problem.” He raised a skeletal hand and pointed at Lorkaj. “It has been in my experience that Vampyres, once created, are hard to ‘cure’, if you will. How do I know that Ukrosha will be safe with more of them running around?”

Lorkaj spoke up, “Lord Emperor, I’m a man of my word. Yes, I technically could raise an army of Vampyres and lead them in a coup, but really, there are two major things keeping me from doing so.”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

04-Aug-2010 03:28:36 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2011 00:30:10 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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“First,” he continued. “There’s the little problem of the resistance the shades-for the men we’ll be using if you agree to this will be shades, I assure you- possess against Vampirism. The only sure way to create more of my kind by using a local would be to find a willing participant, or if a powerful curse was used on them, much like what happened with your spymaster.”

“You seem to forget that his curse is not true Vampirism, Lorkaj,” Nhur replied.

“Indeed, and that backs my point up even more. If it was otherwise, my family would have been one of the first in line to try and convert the populace into soldiers. Now, for my second point, I am a businessman through and through. Conquest and warfare holds little to offer for me that I can't just buy with much less bloodshed, but even then I need a source of money, which requires an acceptable environment to nourish. I’m not sure about you, but I’m sure others would find a large body of Vampyres in the vicinity of my storefronts very disturbing. Or, at the very least, threatening.”

Nhur nodded at that. Every merchant in the city seemed to be out for coin, and the Vampyre’s answer seemed to follow that logic to the letter.

“Alright,” he addressed the representatives. “Unfortunately, I have other appeals to hear, so I shall have to think on your request before giving an answer. In the meantime, you are free to return to the guest quarters until I have reached a decision. Normal communication protocols will be observed as normal. You are all dismissed."

The five were visibly relieved, and hurried out of the room.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

04-Aug-2010 03:31:40 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2011 00:31:44 by A Mad Hatter

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