“I think I'm beginning to get it now," Uthalion said. “The voices I’ve been hearing lately seemed to have been either pining for release, or threatening me with the fate of becoming one of its hounds. But since that last bit hasn’t happened yet, I assume it wants me in my normal form so it can be reunited with the other two ‘keys'."
"That’s why I got a bit angry at the start of our meeting,” the red robed mage said. “You see, I've been investigating cult activity for quite a while, and one that has caught my interest seems to have become quite active again.”
Uthalion scratched his head. “I’m assuming that’s not a good thing, but why?”
“I’m not going to lie,” he replied. “There have been numerous attempts on my life already, if not from a rival who’s jealous of my post, then by a cult who fears my power. They’ve gotten so bad that I’ve had to take the initiative and acquire the services of that Hexblade you saw dueling the simulacrum earlier.”
“Oh, so you thought that this was another attempt, then?” Uthalion asked.
“Well, yes. So far the attempts have been more mundane: an assassin in a public place here, a sniper there. I fear that they may be resorting to more magical means, and having the Hounds run around my tower thanks to this talisman being delivered by a face from my past is one hell of a worry.”
“The sad part is it makes sense,” he admitted. “But one last thing. One datashade in the tomb mentioned ‘Mad Minds'. What could those possibly be?”
“Well,” Romulus started. “I’m not sure. My first inclination would be to assume they’re some sort of Psionic race, but they could easily be mad Skarjil mages. In fact, a cabal of mad mages seems more likely, because a rather disturbing development among the Skarjil casters had a tendency to drive one to madness.”
“Was it really that bad?”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^
^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^
03-Aug-2010 02:05:16
- Last edited on
20-Dec-2010 00:53:53
A Mad Hatter