in the nose which actually knocked the Minotaur into the ground. Dharok didn't run, he began kicking his ribs. The Minotaur was quite angry by this point; he swatted Dharok into a wall.
Dharok then took him off guard when he stabbed his fingers with the spine, causing the Minotaur to stop in pain. Dharok Said "I’ll be back when I’m older you meanie!" he then made a run for the stairs leading to the surface. The Minotaur said "He's only about 6 or 7, and he just about killed me, by Zaros’s beard if he comes back at the age of 13 I’m done for!" The Minotaur blocked his path and said "You're a strong little devil, but you don't channel or direct your strength properly. Perhaps I could teach you better?" Dharok considered this, he said "Wait what do you know about fighting you're just a big, dumb, ugly, stupid, smelly, evil, crazy, creepy, stinky, fool of a Minotaur!" He then took a deep breath the Minotaur thought about eating him, but then said "Look around at all the bones of the empresses' men. Adventurers, heroes none of them defeated me, I’ve gotten quite good at fighting I’ll have you know!" "Now kid it's either I eat you or I teach you how to become a true berserker, your choice I’m fine with either"
Dharok said with a half frown half smile "Ya ok why not" before too long the minotaur was teaching him how to control his strength, how much strength to use at one time, how to charge without totally draining your energy how to move swiftly while weighing alot all those kinds of things.
The Minotaur told Dharok to come back tomorrow early and bring food because he'd be getting quite hungry after the exercises. After Dharok left the Minotaur said "He's got strength, brutal strength, good coordination, and this is without me teaching him for up until today, only thing he doesn't have is a will to kill, oh well he'll learn it."
29-Sep-2008 23:40:29